The meaning of education, the term education in its literal meaning is delivered from Latin words WHICH are Educare which means to rear, to bring up or to nourish a child, Educere which means to bring forth, to lead, to draw out or to train.
Therefore to educate a child would means drawing or leading out what is in the child that is facilitating the realization and development of the child’s potential and talents. Education may also defined as the process of acquiring and developing desirable
knowledge specific skills, positive altitude and values or education is a continuous process by which desired knowledge, skills and altitude are acquired and developed through education, one
achieves social competence and individual growth.
Adult Education is the process whereby adult engage in systematic and sustained learning activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitude and values. Adult education
can take place in workplace through extension schools or adult education is the process whereby adult engage in systematic and sustained learning activities in order to gain new forms of
knowledge, skills, attitudes or values.
Adult education is an education program for adults outside the formal education system aiming at providing more information and better knowledge and skills for improving their lifestyle and their earning capacity (Sodhi. 1998 pg 363).
Adult Education is an entire body of organized educational process that develops adult’s abilities. It also enriches their knowledge and skills, improve their technical and professional, qualification or turn them in a new direction and bring about changes in their attitudes or behavior, experiences show that literate adults are able to transform their lives, leading to better health, income and fuller social and political participation, MoEC, (2004).
Also Adult Education is an outgrowth and development of traditional education whereas learning about anything that helped people to understand their environment and about the ways they could change it to improve their lives (Nyerere cited in Mushi, 2009:97)
Generally Adult Education is the process in which adult learners are involved in education activities or program formally or informally aiming at provision of learning and acquiring basic knowledge, skills, attitude and competencies among the adult population of a country.
The history of Adult Education in Tanzania can be traced back to The Arusha Declaration in 1967, where it had become a major instrument in National development program in literacy, health care and hygiene and in the acquisition of technical competence have been particularly successful because Adult Education has been approached as an intrinsic and meaningful part of learner’s life. The aim was learning for self-reliance and improvement of life
in both individual and national levels. Example in teaching literacy attention was on the focus of subjects such as health, agriculture techniques or political responsibilities.
Education implementation in Tanzania is overseen by three ministries namely; Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), Prime Minister’s Office Region Administration and Local Government (PMORAL) and Ministry Community Gender and Children. Adult Education under ministry of Education and vocational training is operated under the institute of Adult Education which was established in 1975 it is responsible for
running continuing and non-formal Education programmes for adults with special emphasis on rural communities. ADVANTAGES OF ADULT EDUCATION IN TANZANIAN COMMUNITIES
1, Adult Education it reduce or remove the rate of illiteracy, through educating the adult people the rate of illiteracy can be reduced, that means a nation or a country will have adult people who have educated t bring about development within a country.
2, Adult Education it help the farmers to identify their needs by involving them in the program.
3, Adult Education it teaches the farmers about the technology so as to bring the desired
learning. 4, It helps them to decide and plan for carrying out various activities and the programme
Adult Education it help people to create a situation that will motivate the farmers have
desire to learn. Motivation is one of the effective teaching and learning.
5, Make the farmer’s perceive how they can satisfy basic needs through learning. Human
basic needs are desire for security, new experience affection or response and recognition,
convince the farmers how the program will help them to achieve these basic need.
6, Use the most effective extension methods and techniques to achieve the desire learning
are the process by which the farmers through his own activities become changed in his
behavior. The farmers have learnt when there changes in their knowledge, skills workers
should also bring out the change in farmers interest and understanding about the
7,Adult Education it help the learners to evaluate certain benefits derived by him by the
adoption of the technology and this will helps him to control him about the merits of the
8, Also Adult Education it helps the learners to identify and addressing barriers of learning
in the local context. There by promoting active teaching and learning.
MY question for you do you thinks what kind of esuzation do we need as a Tanzanian citizens.