Dalili ya mvua mawingu. The sign of rain is clouds .Damu nzito kuliko maji. Blood is thicker than water.
Dau la mnyonge haliendi joshi; likienda joshi ni mungu kupenda. The poor, feeble man's boat does not go straight ahead; if it does, it is because god wills it.
Dawa ya moto ni moto. The remedy to fire is fire. (Fire must be met with fire.)
Debe shinda haliachi kutika. Cans not empty still make noise.
Dua la kuku halimpati mwewe. The curse of the fowl does not bother the kite.(The fowl cannot fly from the hawk.)
Dunia duwara.The world is round. (Do no harm to anyone, lest you meet him again.)
Dunia huleta jema na ovu.The world brings good and bad things.
Dunia mti mkavu, kiumbe siulemee(usiulemee).This world is a withered tree.(This world as a place of sorrow compared to bliss in heaven.Do not trust it.)
Dunia mwenda wa ngisi, kamwe msiliwale (msilisahau).The world moves like an octopus, never forget that. (The ways of the “world” are unpredictable.)
Duniani ni msiba na furaha, kuna ugonjwa na siha.In life there is misfortune and joy, there is sickness and wealth. (Take things as they come.)