Ganda la muwa la jana chungu kaona kivuno. The skin of yesterday's sugarcane is a havest to an ant.
Haba na haba hujaza kibaba. Little by little fills up the measure.

Habari ya uwongo, ncha zake saba, habari ya kweli, ncha yake moja..A lie has seven edges(interpretations), while the truth has just one(interpretation). 

Haidhuru, inadhuru..Carlessness is harmful.

Haishi matendi, ni kama hatendi. He who does not finish his work, is like someone who did not work.

Hajuliki mwema na muovu..It is difficult to distuinguish between a good and a bad person.

Hakuna apandaye ngazi, bila kujua njia wa kuteremka.No one climbs a ladder, if he does not know how to descend. (Keep within your limits.)

Hakuna bahari, isiyo na mawimbi..There is no sea without waves.

Hakuna kisicho badali.There is nothing that cannot be replaced.

Hakuna kisicho nduguye.There is no thing without its brother. 

Hakuna marefu yasiyo na ncha. There is nothing so long that has no end.

Hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu. There are no heavy rains that do not bring mosquitoes. It is an ill wind that brings no good. 

Hakuna msiba usio na mwenziwe. There is no unaccompanied misfortune. 

Hakuna raha isiyo na karaha.There is no joy without disgust.

Hakuna siri ya watu wawili.There is no secret between two people.

Hakuna zaidi mbovu. There is no increase to that which is rotten.

Hali ya kaburi, mwulize maiti..Ask the dead about the grave.

Hamadi ni iliyo bindoni; silaha ni iliyo mkononi. That which you have in your pocket is your safeguard; that which you have in your hand is your weapon.

Hana (kitu) mbele (yake), hana (kitu) nyuma (yake). He has no past nor no future.(He has no geneology or family tradition.)

Hapana marefu yasio na mwisho. There is no distance that has no end.

Hapana siri ya watu wawili. There is no secret when two people are involved.

Haraka haraka haina baraka. Hurry has no blessing.

Hasara humfikia mwenye mabezo..Loss comes to a negligent person.

Hasira, hasara. Anger brings loss(damage).

Hasira za mkizi, tijara ya mvuvi..The anger of the cuttlefish(they are known to jump out of the water and into the boat) is the gain of the fisherman.

Hauchi hauchi unakucha. Haya wi hayawi huwa. Time waits for no man.

Heri adui mwerevu, kuliko rafiki (mwenzi) mpumbavu.. A clever enemy is better than a foolish friend.

Heri jirani karibu kuliko ndugu mbali. A neighbour nearby is better than a distant relative.(Love the one you're with)

Heri kufa macho kuliko kufa moyo. It is better to lose your eyesight than to lose heart.

Heri kukwaa kidole kuliko kukwaa ulimi. It is better to stumble with the toe than the tongue.

Heri kujikwa kidole kuliko ulimi. It is better to stub your toe than your tongue.

Heri kuliwa na simba, kuliko kuliwa na fisi.It is better to be eaten up by a lion, than by a hyena.(You are alive when eaten by a lion(bravery),but dead when eaten by a hyena.It is better to be beaten by a brave person than a coward.)

Heri kuwa mbichi, kuliko kuungua..It is better to be under cooked than burnt(not edible).

Heri nusu ya shari kuliko shari kamili. Better half of something evil than all of it(a complete disaster).(Be thankful for small mercies.

Heri ya mrama, kuliko kuzama..It is better to go astray, than to drown.

Hiari kushinda utumwa. Choice is better than to be compelled.(Freedom is better than slavery)

Hucheka kovu asiye kuwa na jeraha. He who laughs at a scar has not had a wound.

Hulimbikwa nazi, juu ya minazi..The coconuts are left on the palm trees until such a time as they are well ripened. 

 Ihsani (hisani)haiozi. Kindness does not rot.(Kindness is never forgotten.)

Ikiwa hujui kufa,tazama kaburi. If you don't know death(what it is like), look at the grave.

Iwapo nia njia hupatikana. Penye njia pana njia. Where there is a will there is a way.

Ivumayo haidumu..That which makes a big noise does not last long
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