Meaning and Types of Government
the meaning and types of government
government is asystem or organizational machinery for organizing people. In
other words, government is a group of people within a community who have power
and authority to perform administrative functions. These includeplanning,
making decisions and even the implementation of policies. Government can be
created through elections, by force or through hereditary means. The government
manages relations between people and their institutions or organizations
of governments
criteria used to categorize governments isbased on how a given government has
acquired its position,themeans of formation of the government and the power
distribution among the three organs of the state. The most appropriate way of
categorizing governments is based on how government leaders get into power.
This refers toapeaceful election process or violent processes used to acquire
government power. Based onthese criteria, there are only two major types of
government; democratic
governments and non- democratic
Democratic Government
Democratic Government is aform of government whose political power is
determined by popular vote. This type of government takes into consideration
the consent of people in decision making, which means it acquires legitimacy
from the people through free and fair elections. A good example of a democratic
government is the presidential system of government in USA. On the other hand,
in a Parliamentary system of government, which is sometimes known as
Westminster modal system, there is a separation of power between the head of
government (who is selectedfrom the elected members of parliament) and the head
of state. A good example of this government is the government of the United
Kingdom. In that type of government, the head of government is the prime
minister who is an elected member of parliament, while in the presidential
system the head of state and government is the elected president. The president
can form the cabinet by appointing ministers outside the legislature. United
republic of Tanzania uses both the presidential and parliamentary system of
government. In Tanzania, the president is the head of state, head of government
and commander in chief who comes into power through the general election.
Non-Democratic government
non-democratic government is the form of government which normally does not
come into power by popular election. It is the government which gets into power
without majority will and people’s legitimacy. In most cases a non-democratic
government results from military coup due to the interest of some leaders. They
tend to manipulate election process by imposing dictatorship styles. In this
kind of government, only one person or a small group of people take control of
the government. These are people who normally have great influence due to
economic or social influence. A good example of a non-democratic government is
the dictatorship governments like that of Adolf Hitler of Germany and Mussolini
of Italy. Other examples are those of Democtratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
formerly Zaire under Mobutu Seseseko and Uganda under Idd Amin Dada. The basic
feature of all non-democratic government is the absence of democratic
Forms of Government in the World are:
1. Republican government
This is
a form of government in which a country is governed by a president and other
politicians who are elected by the people. In this form of government more
power is concentrated to a single person; the president. A good example of this
government is that of the United Republic of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Democtratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Africa.
2. Union Government
form of government is usually formed when two or more nations are joined
together. Each nation surrenders its power and sovereignty to aunitary
government. For example, the United Republic of Tanzania was formed when
Tanganyika united with Zanzibar. The United Kingdom is the union of England,
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
3.Monarchical government (a monarchy)
This is
a system of government whereby a king or queen rules the country. A king or
queen comes into power by inheritance. Examples of monarchies are found in
Swaziland, Morocco, the United Kingdom and Netherlands.
There are two types of monarchies.These are:
a. Absolute monarchy. In this
type of monarchy, a king or queen is the head of state and government. He or
she forms the government and exercises power without being bound by rules.
Swaziland is an example of a country which has an absolute monarchy.
b. Constitutional monarchy. In this
form of monarchy the king or queen is only the head of state. The prime
minister is the head of government. The prime minister is elected by citizens
in a general election. After being elected, he or she forms a government. Some
of the countries with constitutional monarchies include Sweden, Japan, Jordan,
The United Kingdom (UK) and Netherlands.
4. Federation
In this
form of government, power is divided and shared between a national government
and state governments. Member states have control over their own affairs but a
central government controls national affairs. Examples of federal governments
are: the Russian Federation, Nigeria and the USA.
5. Dictatorships
dictatorship is a form of government whereby the leadership rests in the hands
of an individual or a group of persons who come into power mainly through
force. Dictators have unlimited authority over the people.
6. Communist Government
It is a
form of government in a communist country, in which the government owns the
major means of production including land. The government provides people with
free health care, education and social welfare. A Communist government always
results from socialist revolutions. A good example of communist government is
North Korea and China.
7. Transitional Government
This is
the form of government which is created temporarily by the people within a
country while waiting for general government or permanent government. This
happens when there is sudden change of government or leadership due to
political instability in the country. However this form of government is not a
formal system.
Importance of Government
the importance of government
The followings are the importance of Government
a. It
provides citizens with social services like health care, education and safe
b. The
government constructs and maintains infrastructure like roads, school buildings
and hospitals.
Maintenance of peace and order in the country is also the role
of the government. The government provides security for citizens and their
property through the police and the army
d. Governments
initiate and maintain relationships with other countries. The government
leaders visit different countries and send ambassadors to those states. Other
countries are also invited to do the same in Tanzania. Our country is a member
of different international organizations including the United Nations, African
Union and the Commonwealth.
The government collects revenue for the development of the
country. Citizens pay taxes to the government which, in turn, provides social
services using the money collected.
It guides the country by preparing and implementing good
Individual rights of citizens are protected by the government.
The Constitution
constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that a country or an
organization is governed by. The national constitution is the basic law of a
country. This means that all other laws must conform to the provisions of the
Meaning and the Structure of the National Constitution
the meaning and the structure of the national constitution
constitution provides the framework of the country and creates the principle
organs of the state as well as their powers and limitations.
of constitution
are two main types of constitution: namely written
constitution and unwritten constitution. The written
constitution is the one in which basic principles are written down in a form of
legal document. Many countries have adopted this type of constitution. For
example, Tanzania, Kenya and USA. It acts as standard of reference to which
government activities reflects upon. Also it minimizes chance of
misinterpretation. Unwritten constitution is the one in which basic principles
are not written in a single document, but they rely on various documents and
other points of reference. A good example is Britain, where its constitution is
based on statutes, customary and precedents and convectional practices.
How the Constitution is Made, its Importance, its Relationship
to the Government of Tanzania, and How it is Safeguarded
Explain how
the constitution is made, its importance, its relationship to the government of
Tanzania, how it is safeguarded
constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977 is divided into ten
chapters. Each chapter is divided into several parts.
The following
is the structure of our constitution.
Chapter one
chapter has the following three parts:
1. The United Republic and the people. This part talks about
a. Proclamation
of the United Republic of Tanzania.
b. Territory
of the United Republic of Tanzania, which consists of the whole area of
Tanzania mainland, Zanzibar, and territorial waters.
Declaration of a multi-party state. Tanzania is a democratic and
socialist state which follows multi-party democracy.
d. Exercising
of state authority. All Tanzania state authorities exercise their power under
the control of six organs, which are:
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Revolution Government of Zanzibar.
The Judiciary of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Judiciary of Zanzibar.
The Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The House of Representatives of Zanzibar.
e. The
franchise: This is the formal permission given to Tanzanian citizens aged
eighteen and above to vote in any public election held in Tanzania.
2. Fundamental objectives and directive principles of state
policy. This part describes:
a. The
interpretation of the government: According to the Constitution, the government
includes the government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Revolutionary
Government of Zanzibar, local government authorities and any person who
exercises power or authority on behalf of the government.
b. The
application of the provisions of this part of the Constitution: According to
the constitution, this part is not enforceable by any court.
The government and the people: The government derives its power
and authority from the people through the Constitution.
d. The
pursuit of Ujamaa and self-reliance: Tanzania is a state that follows Ujamaa
and self-reliance.
The right to work, to educational and other pursuits: The
Constitution recognizes every person’s right to work, to education and social
welfare in times of sickness, disability or old age.
3. Basic rights and duties of citizens. This part explains:
a. The
equality of human beings: The Constitution recognizes that all persons are born
free and equal and that every person is entitled to recognition and respect.
b. Equality
before the law: All people are equal and should be treated equally before the
The right to life: All people have the right to live and be
protected by the society.
d. The
right to freedom of conscience: Every person has freedom to live as a free
The right to privacy and personal security: Every person has the
right toprivacy, respect and protection of himself, his family and his
Duties to the society: Among other duties the citizens are
supposed to participate in work, abide by laws, safeguard public property and
defend the nation.
General provisions on: (i) Fundamental rights and duties: The
Constitution guarantees fundamental human rights for all persons in Tanzania.
(ii) Limitations of basic rights, freedoms and duties: The Constitution limits
individual rights and freedoms for the interest of other persons or the public.
h. The
extraordinary powers of the state authority about:(i) Derogation from rights
and freedoms: The Constitution gives parliament the mandate to enact laws that
will enable measures to be taken during a state of emergency or against persons
who can endanger the security of the nation. (ii) Power to proclaim a state of
emergency: The President has the power to proclaim a state of emergency when
there is danger or war in the country.
Chapter two
This chapter has three parts which deal with the executive arm
of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The President: This part describes how the President is elected,
the qualifications for election as President, the provisions for being
re-elected and duties and powers of the President of the United Republic of
Tanzania. It also describes the Government of Tanzania.
The Vice-President: This is the principal assistant to the
President. This part describes the qualifications and duties of the
The Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the government
(a) The
Prime Minister is appointed by the President but the National Assembly must
approve him or her through a majority vote.
Cabinet is made up of the Vice-President, the President of Zanzibar, the Prime
Minister and all cabinet ministers. The ministers are appointed by the
President after consulting the Prime Minister. There are also deputy ministers
who are appointed by the President.
part also points out the length of the ministers’ and deputy ministers’ terms
of office. In addition, this part includes the Attorney-General, who is
appointed by the President. The Attorney-General is the advisory of the
government of Tanzania on legal matters. The secretary to the Cabinet and
regional commissioners are also mentioned, and their duties explained.
Chapter three
This chapter describes the parliament. The parliament is made up
of the President and the National Assembly. This chapter has three parts:
Establishment of the National Assembly, its authorities, powers
and its lifetime.
Members, constituencies and election of members. This part
explains who the members of the National Assembly are and how they are elected
or appointed.
Procedures, powers and privileges of Parliament. This part also
describes the functions of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and the procedures
for electing them.
Chapter four
This chapter has the following three parts:
The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar and the President of
Zanzibar: In this part the Constitution describes the head of the Zanzibar
Government, his
Authority and how he is elected.
The Zanzibar Revolutionary Council: This part describes the
members of the council, who are the President of Zanzibar as chairman, the
Chief Minister, all ministers of the Zanzibar Government and other members
appointed by the chairman.
The House of Representatives of Zanzibar: Zanzibar’s House of
Representatives comprises two parts. These are:
a. The
Head of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar who is also the President of
b. Members
of the House elected or appointed according to the Zanzibar Constitution. These
members are called Representatives. -
This part also explains the authority of the Representatives. Among
their functions are.
a. To
question any ministry concerning public affairs in Zanzibar.
b. To
debate the performance of any ministry of Zanzibar.
To authorize any plan intended to be implemented in Zanzibar.
Chapter five
This chapter deals with the judiciary. The judiciary refers to
the country’s courts and court officials. Chapter five has seven parts which
The High Court of the United Republic.
The appointment of judiciary personnel by the Judiciary Service
The High Court of Zanzibar.
The Court of Appeal of the United Republic.
Process of the courts.
The special Constitutional Court.
Chapter six
This chapter has two parts:
The Permanent Commission of Enquiry: The members of this
commission are appointed by the President.
The Public Leaders’ Ethics Secretariat, whose main task is to
investigate the conduct of public leaders,
Chapter seven
seven deals with the finances of the United Republic in the areas of
contribution and allocation of revenue. It also discusses the consolidated fund
and the conditions for withdrawal of the money, the expenditure and other
matters concerning union funds.
Chapter eight
chapter deals with the establishment and functions of local government
authorities such as municipal councils and county councils.
Chapter nine
contains provisions on the armed forces and also describes the powers of the
commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The armed forces are made up of the
army, the navy and the air force.
Chapter ten
This chapter has miscellaneous (various) provisions. The areas
dealt with include:
Resignation of personnel from various offices.
Procedure of succession in government offices.
Interpretation of terms in the Constitution.
Title, commencement and application of the Constitution.
Union matters.
Activity 1
Which chapter in the constitution gives you different rights as
a citizen? List then explain four rights described in that chapter
the constitution
Tanzanian Constitution has not always been as it is contently. It has undergone
several major changes since the first one was written in 1961. The following
are the versions of the Constitution that Tanzania has had.
1. The Independence Constitution of 1961
got her independence from Britain in 1961. The British wrote a Constitution for
Tanganyika which was used when Mwalimu J. K. Nyerere was the Prime Minister.
This constitution is known as the Independence Constitution of 1961
2. The Republican Constitution of 1962
1962, the government of Tanganyika published a white paper proposing to make
the country a republic. The National Assembly discussed the paper and adopted
it. The National Assembly then passed an Act of Parliament to give it a legal
right to be a Constituent Assembly. This Constituent Assembly discussed and
adopted a new Constitution and Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere was elected the first
president of the Republic of Tanganyika. This Constitution is known as the
Republic Constitution of 1962.
3.The Interim Constitution of the United Republic of Tanganyika
and Zanzibar of 1964
the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar there was a need to change the
Constitution. So the President of Tanzania issued an interim constitutional
decree which modified the Constitution of the Republic of Tanganyika. The new
Constitution was the Interim Constitution of the United Republic of Tanganyika
and Zanzibar of 1964.
4.The Interim Constitution of Tanzania of 1965
1965, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania enacted an Act of
Parliament to make the Interim Constitution of Tanzania. This constitution
declared Tanzania a single party state. Tanganyika African National Union
(TANU) of Tanzania mainland and Afro-Shiraz Party (ASP) of Zanzibar were the only
political parties recognized by the Constitution. This Constitution was the
starting point in uniting TANU and ASP so that Tanzania could become a real-one
party state. This Constitution is known as the Interim Constitution of Tanzania of 1965.
5.The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977
1977, TANU and ASP united to form Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). This union created
the need for a new Constitution. The then president of Tanzania Mwalimu J.K.
Nyerere appointed a Constitutional Commission of twenty people to oversee the
making of a new constitution. Each side of the union was represented by ten
Nyerere appointed the representatives of the Constituent Assembly to consider
the proposal of the Constitutional Commission to enact the constitution. The
members of the Constituent Assembly were 45 from Zanzibar and 156 from Tanzania
mainland. They discussed and agreed on the constitutional proposals made by the
Constitutional Commission, then, the current constitution was adopted. This
constitution is known as the Constitution of the
United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.
amendment is the process of improving or changing the laws in the constitution
for the aim of improving the laws in the constitution.
The 1977 Constitution has many amendments. These amendments were
made to cater for the changing needs of the society. The major amendments are:
The introduction of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution in
An amendment to introduce the multi-party system in Tanzania in
In 1995, another amendment introduced the Vice-President as the
President’s running mate in the elections. It also made the president of
Zanzibar a member of the Union Cabinet.
The changes made are;
a. It
changed the mode of electing the President. Previously, the President was
elected by majority vote. This amendment allowed the President to be elected by
the highest votes.
b. It
increased the number of seats allocated to women in Parliament to thirty
The independence of the judiciary and its powers on legal
matters were established.
d. It
established the Human Rights and Good Governance Commission.
Importance of a national Constitution
The Constitution is very important to the country for the
following reasons.
The Constitution protects the rights of individuals.
It ensures that the government is fair and just to its citizens.
The Constitution establishes the main organs of the state. These
are the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature.
It describes the form of government that is used in the country.
The Constitution gives guidance on how disputes between the
organs of the state are to be resolved.
It defines the limits of the power of leaders.
It shows how leaders are to be chosen.
between the Constitution and the Government of Tanzania
Generally, the relationship between the Constitution and the
government is that the Constitution guides the government on all matters of
The Constitution defines the form of government to be used in
our country.
It is the Constitution that establishes the organs of the state
and outlines their powers.
The government has to be based on principles of democracy, human
rights, social justice and observance of sovereignty of the state as the
Constitution prescribes.
The leaders of Tanzania at all levels are elected as per the
Constitution. Those who are elected lead according to the Constitution’s
The Constitution states the terms of the leaders in the offices.
The elected leaders take an oath to defend the Constitution.
Ways of
protecting the constitution
Since the Constitution is the law of the land, it must be
protected by every member of the society. There are different ways of
protecting the Constitution of our country. The following are some of them.
a. The
existing Constitution was made by a body which dissolved after finishing its
task. This makes the Constitution supreme since there is no one above it.
b. All
laws of the country are derived from the Constitution and no one can make laws
which contradict the Constitution.
The courts of law protect the Constitution by ensuring that all
people are allowed to enjoy their rights.
d. The
government and non-governmental organizations educate the society so that they
can understand and protect their constitutional rights.
Mass media educate people about their rights so that when these
rights are abused, they can demand them at the courts of law.
Exercise 1
A. Use the words in the
box below to answer the questions that follow.
Government, Republic, Federation,
Union, Dictatorship, Monarchy, Constitution
1. A form
of government whereby power is divided and shard between a national and state
government is called ______________________
2. The
group of people and institutions responsible for controlling a country or state
is called_________________
3. A form
of government whereby two or more countries unite to form a single state is
called ___________
4. A form
of government in whereby the leadership rests in the hands of an individual or
a group of persons who come to power through force is called __________
5. The
system of principles that a country is governed by is called_________
6. A
system of government whereby a king or queen rules the country is
7. A form
of government whereby a country is governed by a president and politicians
elected by the people are called ____________
Exercise 2
B. Write ‘T’ for true
statements and ‘F’ for false statements.
1. One
importance of a government is to provide social services to the citizens.
2. The
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania is divided into seven chapters.
3. Chapter
two of the Tanzania Constitution describes the parliament.
4. The
Independence Constitution of 1961 was made by the British colonialists.
Local Government
order for the government to run its functions effectively, it needs to involve
people in their respective areas. Village governments, wards, divisions,
district, urban and region constitute the local authorities (government). So
local government represents people in their grass-root level. Without effective
local governments, no democracy can be natured. Local governments are total
governments and are important, working hand in hand with the central
Meaning of Local Government
local government
governments are the governments which are formed at the grass- root level in
order to assist the central government in matters of administration and other
important activities. These governments have powers over, districts, cities and
municipals or urban areas. They are created to perform administrative
activities at the local levels. The members of these authorities are elected by
the residents of these areas. The local government authorities were established
in 1982.
for the establishment of local government
To give
more power to the people in the localities. This enables people to participate
in government work, plan the development of their areas and maintain peace and
order in their areas.
widen the system of democratic leadership. In their localities, people are able
to elect and be elected. This ensures peace and harmony and therefore fulfills
the local people’s social, economic and cultural aspirations.
Structure of Local Government
the structure of local government
are two categories of local government authorities, these are: rural
authorities, which are also known as district councils, and urban authorities.
The district councils range from the village level to the district level.
urban authorities are responsible for the administration and development of
township, municipalities and cities.
1.The village government
This is
the smallest unit of a local government. The following is the structure of the
village government.It’s formed by 250 house hold. Any area with the number of
people mentioned above qualified to be village government. Also the minister
who is responsible for local government may declare two units of the same to
form a single village, depending on the size and nature of the units which they
wanted to unite. Village government works through its major organs which are
village assembly and village council.
(a)The village assembly
It is composed of the entire adult population living in the
village. The head of the assembly is the village chairperson who is elected by
the village assembly. The following are some of the functions of the village
Adopting by-laws of the village.
Electing the village chairperson.
Electing the village council.
(b)The village committees
are different committees in the village, including planning, finance, economic
affairs, social services, security, forest production and water resources. The
committees perform different roles in the village according to their
specialized categories.
(c)The village council
of the village council are twenty-five in number;they are elected by the
village assembly. Their head is the village chairperson. The village council is
the executive arm of the village assembly. It performs the day-to-day
governance activities of the village under the supervision of the Village
Executive Officer (VEO) who is appointed by the district council.
The following are some of
the functions of the village council:
a. Planning
and coordinating village activities.
b. Giving
assistance and advising the villagers on developmental matters like agriculture
and industry.
Encouraging village residents to undertake and participate in
communal enterprises.
d. Proposing
by-laws for the village.
2. The ward government
ward government is composed of the following:
(a) The ward development council
This is the highest organ in the ward. It is comprised of:
(i) The chairperson, who is the ward councilor. The ward
councilor is elected by the people who live in that ward. He or she runs the
office for a period of five years, and may be re-elected. The councilor
represents the ward in the district development council.
(ii) Chairpersons of all village councils within the ward.
(iii) The members of the district council who live in the ward.
(iv) Civic groups involved in the promotion of development in
the ward, for example, non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Some of the roles and
functions of the ward development council include:
(i) Developing general plans for the ward.
(ii) Managing disasters and other environment-related activities
within the ward.
(iii) Reviewing the proposals for the village councils’ projects
and passing them on for further approval at the district level.
(b)Ward executive officer
ward executive officer supervises all developmental activities in the ward. He
or she is appointed and employed by the district council.
(c)Ward departments
There are different
departments in the ward, including:
(i) Department of social welfare.
(ii) Department of health.
(iii) Department of education.
(iv) Department of agriculture and livestock.
(v) Department of finance.
3. The district councils
The district council is
composed of:
Elected members from each ward in a district.
Members of parliament from constituencies within the district.
Three members appointed by the Minister for Local Government
One member representing the village councils.
District Executive Director (DED) is appointed by the President. He or she is
the secretary to the district council.
The district council has
the following committees:
District Development committees.
Finance, administration and planning committee.
Economic, construction and environment committee.
Education, health and water committee.
Ethics committee.
The roles and functions of district councils
Supervising the implementation of all plans for economic,
commercial, industrial and social development in the district.
Approving by-laws made by the village councils.
Coordinating plans, projects and programmers for the villages in
the district.
Providing environmental protection and management in the
Promoting the social welfare and economic well-being of
Passing by-laws applicable in the district.
Submitting by-laws to the regional officer for comments and
re-submitting the by-laws to the Minister for Local Government Authorities for
authorities include town councils, municipal councils and city councils.
1. Town councils
Examples of town councils in Tanzania are Bukoba, Lindi and
Songea. A town council is composed of:
Members elected from the wards within the town.
Members of Parliament who represent the constituencies within
the town.
Three members appointed by the Minister for Local Government
Each town
council has a town director who is the chief executive.
2. Municipal councils
are found in towns with a population of over 80,000 residents. Tanzanian
municipal councils include Dodoma, Morogoro, Kinondoni, Ilala and Temeke.
A municipal council is
composed of:
Members elected from the ward within the municipality.
Members of Parliament who represent the constituencies within
the municipality.
Three members appointed by the Minister for Local Government
Officials in
municipalities are:
The mayor, who is the head of the municipal council and is
assisted by the deputy mayor.The two are elected from among councilors.
A municipal executive director.He or she is a secretary to the
municipal council.
The chairperson and vice-chairperson of the municipality.
3. City councils
Tanzania currently has five cities, namely Dar es Salaam,
Mwanza, Arusha, Tanga and Mbeya. The city council is composed of:
Councilors, one from each ward in the city.
Members representing constituencies in the city.
Members of Parliament representing constituencies within the
Six members appointed by the Minister for Local Government
Authorities from among the city residents.
Officials in the city
council are:
The mayor. He or she is the head of the city council and is
assisted by the deputy mayor. A mayor is elected from among the councilors and
stays in office for five years. They may be re-elected.
The city director. He or she is the chief executive, and is
appointed by the President. He or she is also a secretary to the city council.
Urban authorities have committees.
The following are some of them.
Economic affairs, health and education.
Urban planning and environment.
Finance and administration.
The roles of urban authorities include:
Facilitating the maintenance of peace, order and good
Promoting social welfare and the economic well-being of the
local community.
Furthering social and economic development of their areas.
Taking necessary measures to suppress crime and protect public
and private properties.
Regulating and improving agriculture, trade, commerce and
Enhancing the health, education, social well-being and
recreational life of the people.
Eradicating poverty.
The following are the general functions of urban authorities:
Taking and requiring the taking of measures for conservation of
natural resources, prevention of soil erosion and prohibition of improper
Inspecting all foodstuffs and liquids intended for human
consumption and seizing and destroying the foodstuffs or liquids which are
unfit for human consumption.
Keeping the environment clean.
Taking measures aimed at preventing injury to public health.
Activity 2
Give the names of the following leaders in your area then
describe their importance to the society.
Ward councilor.
Member of Parliament for your constituency.
Functions of Local Government
functions of local government
The establishment of local government at the district and urban
areas aimed at performing various functions to the people in their specific
localities. Local government can perform those functions as directives from the
central government. According to the Tanzania constitution, the following are
the functions of local governments:
It performs the functions of local government within its area
It ensures enforcement of law and public safety
It consolidates democracy within its areas
It solves the problems facing the local people within a
particular area
functions of local government are divided into two main groups which are:
Mandatory functions and permissive functions.
Mandatory functions are those functions performed by local
governments as directives from the central government. These functions are
assigned by the large country frame work, and are performed according to the
national laws, which include:
The maintenance of law and order
Promotion of social and economic welfare, and wellbeing of all
people within the area
To collect and make proper utilization of revenue
To make by-laws for the materials and local policies
To make advancement of social and economic development in
accordance with material policy and plans.
To make consideration, regulation and coordination of projects
and plans
Permissive functions are those functions which the local
government may perform depending on the nature of the area, the need and
availability of resources, particularly the fiscal resources. These may
Building, equipping and letting of shops and houses
Establishment.maintenance, operating and control of damage and
sewage works
Building and maintaining health centers and primary schools
Charging fees for services and licences
Participating Actively in Function of either School or Local
actively in function of either school or local government
the aims of establishing the local government is to bring about social and
economic development in each specific area by involving people from grass-root.
To fulfill this, each one ought to participate in performing various
responsibilities, such as working in the community in support of particular
cause; paying required taxes. Licences and other duties; attending political
and community meetings and monitoring and criticizing local government
activities that might against the law such as corruption and embezzlement of
public fund.
Why the Local Government has an Important Effect on One's Life
why the local government has an important effect on his/her life
The functions of local government have positive effects on
people’s lives. These effects are: -
a. Peace,
order and harmony prevail in their localities.
b. Production
is conducted without any interference. The peaceful environment allows people
to participate effectively in economic activities.
There is freedom of expression and freedom of participation in
decision-making on matters affecting the society.
d. Local
governments encourage democratic participation. Councilors are elected after
every five years. The residents of each area are free to participate fully in
electing their councilors. Thus, people elect the leaders that they want and
remove incompetent leaders through elections.
People benefit from what they contribute to the local
government. Residents pay taxes and in turn get services such as education,
garbage collection and health facilities.
People are kept informed about the policies of their local
government authorities. As a result, better decisions are made in the local
areas.Sources of local government revenue
Sources of Local Government Revenue
sources of local government revenue
is also called income. The following are the main sources of revenue for local
government authorities.
of Revenue
1. Rent
Examples of rent are:
a. House
rent from council houses.
b. Rent
from market stalls.
Land rent and service charges.
2. Licenses
A licence is a permit from an authority to carry out an
activity, own or use something. A person can apply for a licence for things
such as:
a. Auctioning
b. Retail
d. Driving
3. Duties
Duties are fees paid for certain goods and services. Examples
a. Customs
duties, paid on goods brought into the country.
b. Stamp
duty, paid for some legal documents.
Excise duties, paid for some goods made, sold or used within the
4. Contributions
Residents living in an area contribute to their local authority
a. Fees
under by-laws.
b. Court
Paying for the use of community centers.
d. Holding
fund raisers for community projects.
5. Grants and loans
are funds given by the central government and various local and international
agencies to the local government authorities.
How the Local Government spend its Revenue
how the local government spends its revenue
is the act of spending or using money.
The local government authorities spend money in the following
a. Salaries,
wages and allowances paid to the local authority officials and employees.
b. Operational
costs, for instance telephone, water and electricity bills.
Maintenance of assets, e.g. painting council houses and updating
computer software.
d. Paying
consolidated fund services, constitutional offices and debts.
Development expenditure for instance road construction and
maintenance, building schools and clinics.
of local governments
government falls are under the Prime Minister’s office where there is a
ministry responsible for local government and regional administration.
Regional Commissioner is the assistant proper officer for the district
councils, town councils and village councils established within his or her
Minister for Local Government Authorities and the Regional Commissioners are
empowered to approve the annual budgets of their respective authorities. In the
district, town, municipal and city councils, there are directors. These
directors are accountable for the councils’ funds.
Central Government
central government is the government which deals with matters concerning the
whole nation.
Meaning of Central Government
the meaning of central government
kind of authority is called central government because all the power over the
country are centered on them. To exercise its power the central government has
different organs which perform different duties. Ministries and directorates
are examples of supporting tools of the central government.
The Structure of the Central Government
the structure of the central government
to the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the central government
of Tanzania is made up of the executive, the parliament and the judiciary. These
organs have been separated so as to: work cooperatively and facilitate the
principle of checks and balance within the state; eliminate corruption, serve
the people; enhance efficiency and smooth operation of the government; promote
transparency and accountability; facilitate division of labour and make
coordination and administration easily.
Figure; The structure of the central government

Functions of the Central Government
the functions of the central government
function of the central government can be viewed through the joint work of the
three organs of the state which are executive, legislature and judiciary.
Difference between Local and Central Government
between local and central government
Local government can be differentiated from local government as
The authority of local government is exercised at the villages,
wards, district, town, cities and municipal level while central government has
authority to control the whole country.
Central government makes by laws for the aim of controlling a
small unit while central government makes laws which govern the whole country.
In local government there is greater chance for citizens to
participate directly in decision making due to the small population compared to
the large area the central government covers. Direct participation by every
person is not possible in the central government.
Local governments are made up of village councils, district
councils, town councils, municipal and city councils while the central government
is made of the president, vice president, cabinet and the prime minister.
The administration in the central government is simple to
operate its activities faster because of the size while central government
involves a large area and administration is difficult.
Local governments are servants of central government; since the
central government provides orders to the local government, as the local
governments acts as subordinate of the central government.
Sources of Central Government Revenue
sources of central government revenue
There are several sources of income in the country. Among these
Direct tax- The
main form of income tax is direct tax, which is paid by all governmental and
private sector employees. It includes monthly payments, interest on investments
and profit from other governmental business.
Indirect tax- This
includes import and export duties which are known as custom duties. Are good
example of indirect tax is the value added tax (vat) which was introduced in
Tanzania in 1998.
Domestic loan borrowing: An
example of domestic loan borrowing is the sale of government bonds and treasury
bills to the public. The government also borrows money from external sources
such as foreign governments and institutions, like IMF, World Back and African
Development Bank (ADB).
Grants: These
are external sources of the central government revenue. They are non-payable
funds. They are just provided to poor countries as a free assistance.
Charges from provision of
the government services: The governments obtain revenue by charging
users of the social public services provided to them like water, electricity
and medical treatments. The government has established the policy of cost
sharing in order to ensure that revenue is realized.
Licenses: These
are documents which validate property ownership or someone’s competences. For
that case, a person who wants to conduct any business must pay for it. Also
licenses, such as, driving licenses validate drivers competences. Driving
licenses are normally after every three years.
Profit from estates and
public co-operations: The government fully owns some estates or co-operations while
in others, the government the majority shares. As the result of these, the
government receives large shares of the profit made. For example the government
gets profit from TANESCO, NMB, Sisal and Tea estates, just to mention a few.
There are other sources such as industries, tourism sectors,
agriculture sectors and others which bring foreign currency to the nation.
Central Government Expenditure
the central government expenditure
The revenue collected by the central government is used in
different ways in order to enhance development of the society.
It is used in promoting social services such as Education and Health
services. For example, the government uses a lot of money in building schools
and hospitals in different parts of the country.
The government uses its fund in the process of improving
transport systems such as construction of roads. These process make the
government pat companies which are involved in the construction and the
materials needed in the construction process.
Other funds are used to help disadvantaged groups such as
orphans, widows, refugees, the disabled and the aged.
The government uses its fund to buy different needs, such as,
stationery materials like pens, pencils and exercise books for people and
students in schools.
Also the government uses its income to pay internal and external
The government uses its revenue to pay workers salaries and
other charges like leaves, on transit and housing.
In agricultural sector, farmers are provided subsides to help
them improve its farming activities.Political parties which have parliamentary
seats in the national assembly and counselors in local councils are also given
Participating in different Central Government activities
in different central government activities
Activity 3
Participate in different central government activities
The Reasons for and
Importance of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Union
and Zanzibar united in 26th April, 1964. This led to the formation of The
United Republic of Tanzania. The article of the union was ratified by the Act
of 1964 of the parliament of Tanzania, called the Union of Tanganyika and
Zanzibar Act of 1964.
The Reasons for and Importance of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Union
the reasons for and importance of Tanganyika and Zanzibar union
reasons of the Union Tanganyika and Zanzibar
People of Tanganyika and Zanzibar experience similar culture and
historical experience. They had similar culture aspects such as Kiswahili
language, dancing and building styles. They were involved in similar economic
activities, For example trade before and after colonialism. Both African states
suffered and experienced similar problems of colonial domination.
Security and defense to protect these two countries from being
invaded by external enemies. The nature and location these two countries could
create conducive environmental for enemies to destruct peace and security.
To consolidate cooperation and integration of people who lives
in these two countries.
To avoid expansion of capitalism into Zanzibar. This is because
capitalism was a threat to these two socialist countries, and the two were
forced to join.
The spirit of Africanism was another threat for the union. The
proponents of the union were influenced by Pan- Africanism. One among of the
important goals of Pan Africanism was unity for all Africans. In the name of
fulfilling this goal, it led to the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar
To facilitate free movement of people from one part of the Union
to another, especially after removing the carrying of passport. This increases
the contact of the people between the two parts hence consolidating their
brotherhood. To enhance cooperation in economic activities. People from any
part of the union can conduct trading activities freely. The union expands the
market for the goods produced in the region.
To distribute the wealth due to existing natural resources: Each
part has been benefiting from natural resources existing in any part of the
nation. For example, hydro-electric power produced in the mainland benefit both
sides of the nation.
Identity of African countries’ unity possibility. The union of
Tanganyika and Zanzibar is good example that can be considered uniting Africa.
It shows success in fulfilling the dreams and desire of black people. The Union
has succeeding in creating strong Army and other state instruments which have
responsibility to maintaine peace, defense and security.
Union Matters in the Government of United Republic of Tanzania
union matters in the government of the United Republic of Tanzania
After the formation of the Union, there were matters referred to
as union matters. These matters are twenty two as shown below.
1. The
constitution and the government of the united republic of Tanzania
2. Foreign
affairs and international cooperation (external affairs)
3. Defense
and security
4. Police
5. Power
to declare a state of emergency
6. Citizenship
7. Immigration
8. External
trade and borrowing
9. Public
services for united republic
10. Income
tax, Customs and excise duties
11. Harbours,
air craft, posts and telegrams
12. Financial
matters, legal tenders and currency
13. Industrial
14. Higher
15. Mineral
resources, including petroleum and natural gas
16. National
examination council and all matters relating to the council
17. Aviation
and air transport
18. Research
19. Meteorological
20. Statistics
21. Court
of appeal of the United Republic
22. Registration
of political parties and other matters relating to political parties.
These are matters looked after by specific government apart from
the union government. These include all matters which are not mentioned above.
Among of the non-union matters are:
1. Local
government matters
2. Road
maintenance and travel
3. Agriculture,
livestock, fisheries and other means of livelihood
4. Trade
and small scale industries
5. Prison
of the Union
the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar has existed for long, there are some
challenges facing the union. For example, commodities bought in Zanzibar are
taxed in Tanzania main land. This is because custom duties in Zanzibar are
considered to be less compared to that of mainland. Some politicians demand for
the presence of three governments- Tanganyika, Zanzibar and the Union
government while others want to remain with only one government of The United
Republic of Tanzania.
Strategies for Improving the Union's Stability
strategies for improving the union's stability
In order to strengthen the union, different strategies should be
employed for the welfare of the entire nation in Tanzania. The following are
some of the strategies which would enhance the unity between Tanganyika and
We should consolidate cooperation in cultural affairs such as
sports and games by introducing the union cup. There should be encouragement in
trade between the people of Tanzania main land and Zanzibar
Free movement of people within the member countries must be
ensured. This will make people to feel that they are together in the same
country and consider themselves as relatives.
The presence of a ministry in the president’s office to deal
with the union should maintain fairness and justice. Leaders of the both sides
of the union should frequently and seriously meet and discuss different issues
regarding the central government.
Exercise 3
A. Use
the words in the box below to answer the questions that follow.
duties, ward, government, cities,
The system in which local authorities are in charge of the
administration of districts and urban centers is called local --------------
District authorities are made up of the ‘village government,
_______ and the district councils.
Urban authorities are in charge of towns and ___________
One of the functions of local government is maintaining
Local governments get revenue by charging ___________
Exercise 4
B. Write “T” for the true statements and ‘F for false statements.
Local authorities ensure peace and order in their areas.
Students can participate in the functions of local government by
planting trees.
Ward governments are made up of village governments and district
Building schools is part of the development expenditure of local
government authorities.
The city director is appointed b) the district council.
Exercise 5
C. Match the statements in Column A with those in Column B.
Column A
Column B
The smallest unit of local government
The ward development councils
The district councils
Examples of municipal councils include
Municipal councils
a) are in charge of towns.
b) Dodoma and Morogoro.
c) is the village government
d) develop general plans for the ward
e) submit by-laws to the Local Government