The Concept of Energy
Explain the concept of energy
Energy can be defined as capacity of doing work.
Energy has the same SI unit like that of work, and that is Joules (J)
S.I Unit of Energy
State S.I unit of energy
Energy has the same SI unit like that of work, and that is Joules (J)
Different Forms of Energy
Identify different forms of energy
There are different forms of energy such as:
  1. Chemical energy
  2. Heat energy
  3. Light energy
  4. Sound energy
  5. Electrical energy
  6. Nuclear energy
  7. Solar energy
Difference between Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
Distinguish between potential energy and kinetic energy
There are two types of chemical energy, which are:
  1. Potential energy:It is the energy possessed by a body mass in its position or state.
  2. Kinetic energy: It is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion.
Consider when the body is vertically thrown upwards with an initial velocity ‘u’ from the ground.
At the ground:The height is zero and initial velocity is at maximum so as to attain maximum height.
Therefore K.E = ½ MV2 will be maximum
K.Emax = ½ mv2
Where K.E = Kinetic energy
M = Mass of the object/body
P.E = Mgh
P.E = Potential energy
M= Mass of the object
H = Height of the object
g = gravitation force
P.E = Mgh will be zero because P.E
= M*g*0 (body at the ground where k=0)
Neglecting the air resistance, as the body moves upwards its velocity decreases it also experiences gravitational force (g) pulling downwards towards the earth’s centre.
The maximum Height Attained
The final velocity of the body will be zero (V=0)
Therefore K.E = ½ mv2
K.E = ½ m(0)2
K.E = 0
P.E = MgHmax
Note:That the object drops from Hmax that is; it leaves with zero Kinetic Energy. At position A in fig. 8. The conservation of mechanical energy (M.E) is given as:
P.E + K.E = Constant
(The sum of P.E and K.E is constant throughout the motion of the object if the air resistance is neglected)
The Transformation of Energy
Explain the transformation of energy
The notion of energy is that energy is changed from one form into different forms using transducers.
Transducer is a device used to transform energy from one form to another.
For example:
  1. Battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
  2. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  3. A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
The Table Summarising Energy Transformation
Chemical energyBatteryElectrical energy
Chemical energyMotorChemical energy
Mechanical energyGeneratorElectrical energy
Solar energySolar panelElectrical energy
Chemical energyMotor carMechanical energy
Electrical energyMicrophoneSound energy
Electrical energyHeaterHeat energy
Activity 1
To demonstrate pressure of potential energy.
Materials and Apparatus
  1. A heavy stone
  2. A bucket full of water
  3. A strong inelastic rope; and
  4. Smooth pulley
  • Collect the heavy stone, using a strong rope tie it to a bucket of water
  • Pass the rope over smooth pulley fixed to a support.
  • Hold stationary the heavy stone at height “h” above the ground
  • Release the stone
Results and observations:
  • When the stone released the bucket of water will start to rise.
  • The stone is said to have potentials energy because of its position above the ground.
  • Lifting a body of mass “m” to a height “h” above the ground requires work to be done against gravity. Work = Mgh
Example 2
A ball of mass 0.5 kg is kicked vertically upwards and rises to a height of 5m. Find the potential energy by the ball.
Data given:
Mass of the ball (Mb) = 0.5 kg
Height (h) = 5m
Gravitation force (g) 10N/kg
Potential energy (P.E) = ?
Potential energy (P.E)= mgh
= 0.5kg x 10N/kg x 5m
= 25 NM
1NM= 1Joules
Potential energy (P.E) = 25 Joules.
Activity 2
Aim: to investigate the law of conservation of energy by a simple pendulum.
Materials and Apparatus:A pendulum bob and light inelastic string.
  • Pull the bob of a simple pendulum in position A so that it is at height “h” above position B.
  • Release the bob so that it swings to position C via the lowest position B and back to A.
  • Consider the figure below:
When the bob is at position A, it possesses potential energy only due to the height “h” which is equal to “Mgh”.
As it swings downwards to position B, the height decreases, and as the result it loses potential energy.
  • The bob has Vmax and hence K.Emax at B. The height at B is zero, thus the P.E is zero.
  • As it swings towards C, the P.E increases and reaches its maximum again in position C, where the Kinetic Energy is zero. At position D, the energy of the bob is party potential and party Kinetic.

The Principle of Conservation of Energy
State the principle of conservation of Energy
The law of conservation of energy state that “ Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another.”
This means the amount of energy is constant all the time.
Example 3
A stone of mass 2kg is released form a height of 2m above the ground. Find the potential energy of the stone when it is at the height of 0.5m above the ground.
Data given;
Mass of the stone (Ms) = 2kg
Height released (h) = 2m
Gravity (g) = 10N/kg
Potential energy = (P.E) ?
P.E at height g 2m
P.E = Mgh
= 21g x 10N/kg x 2m
P.E = 40 Joules
P.E at 2m = 40Joules
Than P.E at height of 0.5m
= 21g x 10N/kg x 0.5m
P.E at 0.5m = 10Joules
100s of P.E = 40 Joules - 10Joules
= 30 Joules
According to conservation of energy the loss of P.E should be equal to the gain in K.E, when the air resistance is neglected.
K.E of the stone at 0.5 above the ground = 30 Joules
Example 4
A ball of mass 0.21kg is dropped from a height of 20m. on impact with the ground it loses 30J of energy. Calculate the height which it reaches on the rebound.
Data given;
Mass of ball (Mb) = 0.2kg
Height dropped (h) = 20m
Loose in energy (E) 30J
Height which reaches=?
Consider the figure below;
At 20m above ground the initial energy of the ball = Mgh
= 0.2kg x 10N/kg x 20m
= 40 Joules.
So after the impact the ball loose 30J and the energy remaining is 40 J-10J
= 10Joules
At the top of rebound the energy of the ball = potential energy (P.E)
The height reaches (h) is 5m.
Uses of Mechanical Energy
Explain the uses of mechanical energy
The mechanical energy can be used to produce electric power using generators. Some uses of mechanical energy are: It enables our body to do work, it makes work easier and faster, it is used to transport goods and people from one place to another, many transport vehicles uses the knowledge of mechanical energy. Examples of vehicles which uses mechanical energy are aeroplanes and motor cars.
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