Passed Like a Shadow (NOVEL)
Author; Bernard Mapangala
Setting: Uganda 2006
Summary and themes.
Chapter I
This chapter starts with the father who has appeared unexpectedly. He is drink. His children fear him. As soon as he cames in, Atwoki lost his appetite. He tried to avoid his father; unfortunately he bumped into Aboo’ki hence sending the matoke down. In this case Atwoki encountered a classic slap. It indicated that Adyeri did not love his children. This is poor parental care.
His children hated him, this hatred.
The position of women has been reflected. Amoti was seriously beaten by Adyeri. She was trying to defend Atwoki. She cried uwii, uwii. In this regard, Amoti represents women as the oppressed gender. However, she is brave because she spoke her mind.
Lastly we see that Adyeri did not sleep at home that evening. He had another woman. This is betrayal.
Chapter II
This chapter is centered on Vicky. It is portraying Vicky’s previous and current life. Poor customs are reflected in which we see that Vicky is sent or exiled Kaitangwenda as she was seen riding a bicycle (It is a taboo for a girl to ride a bicycle in Torro).
In this chapter, it is shown that Vicky is an orphan. Her mother died so she had to live with Adyeri’s Family. Conflict and hatred are reflected as Adyeri hates or dislike Vicky. She considers her, as an additional burden to their family.
On the other side we see Vicky coming with Akena. She introduced him as a man who wanted to marry her. Amoti protests because she is jealousy that Vicky will get married to a man who owns garage. Adyeri settles the matter and tell Akena to come on the other day for arrangement of bride price.
Chapter 3
This chapter is centered on Atwoki’s fame. He is good in football as well as academically. Atwoki is ambitious and social. He wants to be a soldier. Other boys are also prophesying their future.
Also we are shown the difference between Atwoki and Abooki was quiet and meditative. Atwoki was busy, ting and always came home exhausted.
Love and care are shown in this chapter. Amoti did mot beat her children when they came home late, she warned them.
Position of women is reflected through Abooki. After school hours Abooki was response to prepare evening meal at home. The narrator says the little girl Abooki was overworked. In this chapter we are also introduced to uncle Araali. He likes children and appreciates their skills. This is love and care.
Lastly we see that Adyeri is irresponsible. This irresponsibility comes about do to the fact that Adyeri did not leave any money. Yet he came home drink. This is also alcoholism which leads to irresponsibility. Fortunately uncle Araali had brought bunches of Matoke and fish. He also gave money to children purchase firewood.
Chapter 4
It is opened up with Tusiime, Vicky and Kunchira console for having missed a husband because of a greedy uncle. He fixed a high bride price. This is poor traditional customs.
It is also indicated that Vicky was to send Bondibugyo to work as a tea plucker. She did not get any money from her sweat. All her wages had been prepaid to Amoti so that, she could pay for her childrean’s school fees. This is oppression.
Also Tusiime and Kunchira inform Vicky that Adyeri has another woman. Tusiime says that there is too much cheating in marriage. This is dishonesty.
Prostitution is reflected through Tusiime who said that she could sleep with any man to make money.
Furthermore, the narrator reflects that Tusiime and Kinchira were not good girls both had been worst product of port Fortal secondary education. Tusiime had been a ring leader that led in the burning of the school’s matlesses at Maria Goret Secondary school. Kunchira was discontinued from Kyebambe Secondary School.
Influence of peer pressure is shown on Vicky. She was abused by Tusiime and Kunchira to find boyfriend the accepted and changed in her behavior.
Self limitation and poverty are reflected through Adyeri could not stop Vicky from her behavior because she brought his crates beer and cartons of hard drinks.
One day Adyeri aerated Vicky’s jugardaddy. This led to the conflict between Vicky and Adyeri. At the end Vicky left the house and never came back.
Chapter 5
This chapter starts with Adyeri in the Hall of Kinyanasika Primary School. It was a parent’s day and he was invited as a pioneer teacher of the school.
This chapter shows adyeri suffering. He gave out heavy cagh which sent all the eyes in his direction. His confidence was gone. His body had lost more than 20 pounds in less than a year. He had frequent fever and vomiting. His hair had become sparse and grey. His vibrant color gad gone. These are symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
Standard five pupils performed a song. It started that those who die without doing something important pass like a shadow.
This song hit Adyeri because he spent his life carelessly. On the other hand, the flash back on Adyers previous life is given. He was a headmaster of Sit. Led high school. He fell in love with his secretary Biringi. This is betrayal to his wife. We are also informed that he misused his position by squandering the school funds build a house for Biringi in Birungi and This is corruption.
Adyeri was sacked as the headmaster after the news leaked cot on his misconduct. He spent most of the time drinking. (This is alcoholism) Later on, he sold a half of his inherited land. (This indicated irresponsibility he moved completely to Biringi’s home and financed her new shop at Muguso trading center. This is betrayal to his family.
Oppression is reflected in this chapter Adyeri was rarely seen at home; when Amoti complained she encountered ritual beating.
Love, care and generosity are reflected through Uncle Araali. He helped to pay the children’s school fees.
Effects of poor parental care are reflected in this chapter. He built a house for her mother in Katamba.
Lastly we are shown the theme Betrayal. Birungi betrayed Adyeri first; she rejected him when he was admitted at the hospital. Then she chased him away when he went to her house asking for help, and insulted him as a poor miserdlems.

Joe met the old woman (cucu) and Dr Ocheng introducd him to her that he saved her and brought her to hospital..
She was sitting on the bed. She woke up and hugged him. The old woman wants to be released but Doctor Ochieng says that they have to trace her home first. She agrees on the condition that Joe should insist her.
Joe left and went to see Gladwell at St Bernadette church choir in Umoja. Before Joe went to see Gladwell, we saw on Ochieng tells Joe that HIV/ ADS victim who killed himself was pester, he warned him that it can get anyone. He also told him that they only ways to avoid HIV/AIDS is to remain single until he gets married or use condom.
Then, Joe arrived at St Bernadette and saw Gladwell. Gladwell is surprised by the bond that has developed between Joe and old cucu, as he told her that he wants to find her home and her relatives . After the choir practice they left, and Gladwell told him that her sister Georgina also died of HIV/AIDS.
It starts with Joe and David.David is discouraging Joe when he said that he is going to trace cucu home. Because of David’s discouragement the next day he did not visit the old cucu. The day after he wentt to see her, she was disappointed when he did not show up the previous day. She thinks that Joe has come to collect her, But Dr Ochieng insists that she must be discharged first.As they are talking suddenly the old cucu mentions Kariobangi, but she forget immediately that has mentioned the place as home. When Dr. Ochieng is told, he says the old cucu is getting back the flashes of her memory. She is given another twenty four hours to recover for Amnesia.
The next morning Joe received Gladwell's all that she got a Job at the city soap industries.
An hour later, he decided to persue the past newspaper and when he turned at the page of notices and death announcement, he saw the picture of old cucu, below it there was a caption which explained that she went missing and a reward of 100,000/= would be given to whoever helps in locating her. There was also eh telephone number of her son Johnson Njogu

Joe ran to the receptionist and gave mercy Mr Njogu's telephone number to dial at Njogu's house. He was given Njogu's direct number by a girl, as Njogu was not at home.
He called Mrs Njogu and told him that he know where his missing mother was. Njogu did not believe him. He thinks that he was after money. He banged a phone down. Joe

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