1.      Meaning, Purpose and Objectives of Science and Scientific Research
1.1  What is Science? What is research?

·         The term “science” comes from the Latin word “scientia”, which means knowledge.
·         Definition of Science: (acc. to Webster’s Third International Dictionary, 1986)
o   “accumulated and accepted knowledge that has been systemized and formulated with reference (seek 4info) to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws”
o   or “ knowledge obtained and tested through use of the scientific method”
·         3 components to the definition of science:
o   knowledge
§  Observations, information, facts, theories, principles, solution to a problem, etc.
§  about biophysical world and human beings
o   knowledge that has been tested through the scientific method
o   knowledge that has been systemized, organized and arranged logically
·         Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain how and why something happens or happened” (World Book Encyclopedia)
·         A theory is only accepted as scientific knowledge when it has been verified by other scientific studies.
o   In fact, a theory remains a theory until it has been repeatedly proven or tested experimentally.
o   E.g., the Theory of Evolution is still a theory.
·         Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in the production of tools, machines, sources of power, materials, techniques, etc. that we use to make our life or work easier.

             Branches or Disciplines of Science

·         Natural sciences (biophysical sciences)
o   Mathematics and logic
o   Physical sciences (physics, chemistry, geology)
o   Biological or Life sciences

·         Social sciences
o   Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Psychology
o   NOTE: The humanities (religion, philosophy, fine arts, etc.) are not part of science, because knowledge of these cannot be scientifically proven or tested.

Scientific Method
= the principles, processes and procedures used in the systematic pursuit of objective knowledge, involving the definition of a problem, the formulation of hypotheses, the collection of data, and finally, the testing of those hypotheses and drawing conclusions.


                Scientific research

= systematized effort to gain new knowledge
= a process or a movement from the unknown to the known.
= the systematic, creative process or methodology of gaining original knowledge, either as a solution to problem on a specific topic or as a generalization of knowledge, i.e., a formulation of a theory.
= an inquiry into the nature of, the reasons for, and the consequences of any particular set of circumstances, whether these circumstances are experimentally controlled or observed as they occur naturally (without manipulation).

1.2  Purpose of scientific research

The purpose of scientific research is to discover the unknown and to bring into the realm (sphere, specialty) of systematized knowledge.

1.3 Objectives of Scientific Research

Objective 1: To gain new insights into or better understanding about a phenomenon (event, object, condition or situation).
·         Termed formulative or exploratory research.
·         Often comes up with new theories.

Objective 2: To systematically describe the characteristics of a situation, an object or a group of objects.
·         Termed descriptive research

Objective 3: To test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships between variables.
·         Termed hypothesis-testing research

             1.4 Benefits or Significance of Conducting Scientific Research

·         New contributions to knowledge.
·         Scientific research as an agent of diversification and evolution of society
o   Enormous selection of goods, products.
o   People select the best, which leads to evolution of life styles and society in general
·         Important role in the advancement or progress of human civilization.
·         Provides basis for government policies.
·         Facilitates development and economic advances.
·         Discovers solutions to social problems
·         Invents new tools and technologies that makes work easier and save time.
·         Acquisition of organized or systematic thinking.
o   Science trains the mind in logic and understanding.
·         The researcher acquires a new intellectual tool, i.e., ability to look at the world and every day experiences in life in an objective and analytical way.
·         Man is the only creature in the Universe (as far as we know) that has advanced intellectual powers and the capacity for rational thinking.
·         Through science, man rises above nature and can control his environment
·         A WORD OF CAUTION:
o   “But science itself is neither good nor bad” (World Book Encyclopedia, 1991)
o   Depending upon how science is used, it can be very beneficial or very harmful
o   The use of science must be controlled by moral, religious and ethical values; otherwise, it leads to destruction or chaos (e.g., nuclear weapons, computer viruses).
o   It can cause destruction of the environment and society
o   Thus, it is important that we aim at only useful, productive or positive uses of science and technology. 

2.      Steps in the Scientific Method and Its Distinguishing Features
2.1 The Process
·         Steps in the scientific method are not mutually exclusive; they overlap.
·         The order may sometimes change.
·         Feedback from one step back to the previous one
o   Provides quality control in the research process.
o   E.g., analysis and testing of hypotheses sometimes necessitates re-formulation of the hypotheses.
o   The final report results in re-defining the same research problem or defining a new one.
·         Feed forward to a later step
o   Provides criteria for evaluation.
o   E.g., formulating hypotheses provides criteria for drawing conclusions.

Flow Chart of the Scientific Method or Research Process

Make observations on a general topic and raise questions that require answers











2.2 Distinguishing features of scientific research
·         Scientific research must be based on logic.
·         Systematic (orderly) in methodology and organization of results
·         It utilizes relevant concepts – don’t try to “re-invent the wheel”
·         It is based on objective considerations (logical relationships) – not subjective or based on personal judgment or feelings
·         Requires ethical neutrality and complete lack of prejudice (this is more for social sciences)
·         Science must be rigorous (thorough, following strict procedures, accurate), not allowing for misinterpretations, ambiguous results or loopholes in the conclusions. (E.g., if you are conducting an experiment and control light, salinity, pressure, etc., but you forget to control temperature; that is not being rigorous.)
·         Procedures require consistency. (E.g. always use the same thermometer, the same chemicals, the same procedures, measure at the same time of day, etc.)
·         It requires empirical evidence (data derived by observation or experiment)
·         Draws conclusions and makes predictions that are usually probabilistic.
·         Results should be repeatable and replicable – either by other scientists or by the same scientist later.
·         Scientific findings should be communicated to others (journals, books, conferences), so that they are open to scrutiny by others.
·         Useful findings are such that they can be generalized or extended to broader circumstances.
o   They may result in general axioms or scientific theories.

3.      Characteristics, Qualities and Attitudes of a Competent Scientist
·         Curiosity, Inquisitive
·         Observant
·         Self-motivated
·         Open-minded
·         Not prejudice, not swayed by emotional feelings, without personal bias
·         Does not jump to conclusions (e.g., You feed chickens on a certain diet for one month, then you change to a different diet for one month and most of them die. Can you conclude that the diet killed them?)
·         Creative
·         Hardworking
·         Power of concentration
·         Ability to synthesize, interpret, analyze, integrate
·         Collaborative
·         Communicative
·         Practice professional ethics
·         Not cook data; report data as it is but discuss why it is different from expected
·         Acknowledge the contributions of others
·         Etc.

4.      Types of Science or Scientific Studies

4.1  Observational versus experimental studies

Observational studies or surveys
·         Researcher collects data about a particular phenomenon as it occurs in nature.
·         No manipulation or control of any variables or conditions.
·         Describes a situation, as it exists.
·         Can discover correlations between variables.
·         Analyzed by:
o   Comparing groups
o   Correlating variables
·         Cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship because there are so many factors which may affect the variable being measured
·         May suggest a possible cause-and-effect relationship that can later be tested by setting up an experiment.

Experimental Studies
·         Researcher sets up an experiment.
o   Manipulates certain variables (changes them deliberately)
o   Controls other variables (makes them constant)
o   Measure other variables about which he wants to draw conclusions.
·         Can establish cause-and-effect relationships.
·         Analyzed by:
o   Comparing groups
o   Regression analysis.

4.2 Basic (Fundamental) vs. Applied Research

Basic, fundamental or pure research
·         Research just for the sake of gaining knowledge, regardless of whether it has any useful application.
·         Basic research often comes up with knowledge that may be applied much later or lead to further studies that are applied.
·         Concerned with generalizations or formulation of theories.

Applied research
·         Aims at finding a solution to a practical problem facing society (e.g., in agriculture, health, environmental science, etc.).

                Comparative examples

·         Studying the various properties of elements and substances is basic research, but studying how the properties of certain elements can be useful, e.g., in computer technology, medicine, construction, etc., is applied research.
·         Studying reproductive behavior in animals is basic research, but using that knowledge to try to save an endangered species is applied science.

4.3 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Qualitative research
·         Collects data that are not measurable; they only describe the object under study by attributes or qualities.
·         E.g., observing color of flowers, rocks, etc.,

Quantitative research
·         Collects data that are measurable
·         Data are recorded according to a scale
·         E.g., height, force, energy, etc.
·         Usually provides more information than qualitative research.

Combination of qualitative and quantitative research
·         Many studies collect both qualitative and quantitative types of data, which helps to give a broader range of information about the phenomenon being studied.

4.4 Review Studies
·         Review documents on a broad topic
·         Review books, scientific papers, reports, other documents
·         Sometimes called documentary review
·         Based on secondary data, not primary data.
·         No original data collected, but original theories, concepts and trends may be obtained; thus review studies are also a new contribution to knowledge.

4.5  These types are not mutually exclusive
·         E.g., either observation or experimental research may be basic or applied and it may be qualitative or quantitative.

5.      Defining the Research Problem (and Setting Specific Objectives)
·         Going from Step I to Step II of the Scientific Method: Formulation of a general topic into specific research problem.
·         First, ask many questions on the general topic
·         Make general observations and review literature about the general topic.
·         Decide which questions can feasibly be answered, considering the available resources, time and knowledge.
o   These will give you the specific research problem
·         3 sequential components to the definition of the research problem:
o   Statement of the research problem
§  Outlines the overall problem which needs a solution
§  Explains what has already been discovered about that problem
§  States what still needs to be investigated about that problem
§  States what you are going to investigate about the problem.
o   General objective (=Development objective) (Overall aim of the study)
§  States what will generally be done in the research
§  Briefly states what will be gained or achieved by doing the study
o   Specific objectives
§  The specific questions are stated in the form of specific objectives.
§  E.g., Question: Does UV light affect the strength of a certain type of plastic?
§  Objective: To determine the effect of ultraviolet light on the strength of a certain type of plastic (chemist)
§  E.g., To determine the effect of UV light on human skin (biologist)
§  There must be at least 2 possible outcomes
·         These will form the hypotheses.
·         E.g., UV light affects the strength of the plastic
Or     UV light does not affect the strength of the plastic.
·         The definition of the research problem must be unambiguous.
·         The specific objectives form the essence or focal point of the whole research plan
o   The hypotheses are formulated based on the objectives.
o   The objectives determine the data to be collected
o   The objectives often determine the techniques to be used in data collection
o   The final conclusions of the research come directly from the objectives, i.e., the conclusions are the answers to the specific questions.

6.      Planning and Preparation for Scientific Research
  • Some of these items will go into your research proposal

6.1 Research problem and objectives
·         What you want to do

6.2 Gather literature on the topic
·         Build up a library on the topic
·         Find out what other people have done on the topic

6.3 Methodology
·         How you are going to conduct the research
o   Research/sampling design
o   Choose techniques for data collection

6.4 List resources required
·         Field equipment
·         Lab equipment
·         Materials
·         Transport
·         Human resources

6.5 Prepare budget
·         Show example

6.6 Work-plan with timeframe
·         This is a schedule of activities.
·         Show example

6.7 Prepare checklists
·         Checklist of field equipment and materials
o   This is very N.B. in order to avoid getting to the field and finding that you have forgotten one very important item
·         Checklist of lab equipment and materials

6.8 Data collection sheets
·         Very N.B. to prepare in advance to be sure that you don’t forget to record anything.
·         Show example

6.9 Design database
·         This should be designed early so that you can enter data as you collect it.
·         Keep several copies of the data on diskettes or CDs.
·         The database should be designed such that it can be analyzed directly, without feeding it into the computer again.

7.      Literature Survey

7.1 Necessity of Literature Search
·         In order to plan research properly, you need to know what are the relevant
o   Relevant theories and concepts
o   Previous studies that are relevant to the topic
o   What has already been discovered
o   Whether the problem you want to investigate has already been solved
o   What are the appropriate and accepted techniques for investigating this topic, especially new techniques
o   Prevents repeating studies that have already been done by others.
·         Usually you cannot read everything on the topic
o   There are millions of scientific publications every year
o   In the website “google”, there were 496,000 reports on coral reefs last week—this week there are 502,000 reports
o   On marble, there are1,910,000 reports.
·         Therefore, you can only attempt to review papers that are particularly relevant to your topic
o   E.g., coral reefs—predation on coral polyps
o   E.g., marble—distribution of marble deposits

7.2 Types of Scientific Literature to Search

·         Encyclopedias
·         Literature guides
·         Books
·         Book reviews
·         Review Journals, e.g., Reviews of Modern Physics, Chemical Reviews, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Botanical Review, Annual Review of Biochemistry
·         Abstract and Indexing Journals
o   Available in libraries, CD rom, and websites
o   E.g. Science Abstracts
o   Chemical Abstracts
o   Biological Abstracts
o   Geophysical Abstracts
o   Electronic Engineering Master Index
·         Scientific journals
·         Theses, Dissertations
·         Conference proceedings
·         Websites
o   E.g.,

7.3 Literature Cited in Relevant Publications
·         When you read a relevant publication, take note of the literature it cites and you may get many more relevant publications

7.4 Getting Relevant Information from a Scientific Report or Paper
·         Record notes on the important points from each report you read, because you will not remember later what was written
·         Either quote word for word or paraphrase, but you will have to paraphrase later anyway if you include those points in your own report.
·         In your notes, cite the reference properly, giving all details so that you can find it later and also include it in the reference section of your report
o   E.g., author(s), year, title, Journal, volume number, page nos.
·         Arrange your notes from different papers systematically
o   Usually alphabetically by the authors names
o   Write notes for each report on a separate card
o   In the computer, you can have a separate file for each paper or arrange them in one file alphabetically.

8.      Formulating and Testing Hypotheses
  • These are also called “working hypothesis”, because they dictate how you are going to work on your research
  • These are predictions based on literature, discussions, personal observations, experience
  • Dictate what you are going to measure
  • Determine the type of analysis you will do
  • Hypotheses are NOT needed in exploratory or formulative research or descriptive research.

8.1 Formulation of Hypotheses
·         Come directly from the objectives
·         Two types of hypotheses:
o   Difference between groups, treatments
o   Relationships between variables
·         Difference between groups
o   Example 1:
§  Objective: To determine whether there are greater deposits of marble in Mbeya or Dodoma.
§  Non-directional or two-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: There is no significant difference in the quantity of marble deposits in Mbeya and Dodoma.
·         HA: There is a significant difference in the quantity of marble deposits in Mbeya and Dodoma.
§  Directional or one-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: The quantity of marble deposits is not significantly greater in Mbeya than in Dodoma.
·         HA: The quantity of marble deposits is significantly greater in Mbeya than in Dodoma.
o   Example 2:
§  Objective: To determine whether there is a greater density of zebras in Ngorongoro crater or Mikumi National Park
§  Non-directional or two-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: There is no significant difference in the density of zebras in Ngorongoro and Mikumi.
·         HA: There is a significant difference in the density of zebras in Ngorongoro and Mikumi.
§  Directional or one-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: The density of zebras in not significantly greater in Ngorongoro than in Mikumi.
·         HA: The density of zebras is significantly greater in Ngorongoro than in Mikumi.

·         Relationship between variables
o   Example:
§  Objective: To determine whether there is a correlation between nitrate levels in the soil and the growth of maize.
§  Non-directional or two-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: There is no significant correlation between nitrate levels in the soil and the growth of maize.
·         HA: There is a significant correlation between nitrate levels in the soil and the growth of maize.
§  Directional or one-tailed hypotheses:
·         Ho: There is no significant positive correlation between nitrate levels in the soil and the growth of maize.
·         HA: There is a significant positive correlation between nitrate levels in the soil and the growth of maize.

8.2 Stating Hypotheses in Research Proposals and Scientific Reports

·         The common practice is to state only the hypothesis that you expect to prove to be true.
·         Usually these will be the alternative hypotheses, in particular, the directional hypotheses.

8.3 Steps in Testing Hypotheses Statistically

Step 1: State the null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (HA).

Step 2: Choose an appropriate statistical test, e.g., t test, analysis of variance, correlation, etc.

Step 3: Make a rule about the significance level () and specify the sample size (n).
In biology and many other sciences, usually  = 0.05 or 5%, which means that there should be less than a 5% chance of making a mistake or you are 95% certain that you are right.

Step 4: Conduct a study to test the null hypothesis and calculate the test statistic.
·         This gives the calculated value of the test statistic.

Step 5: Examine the table showing the theoretical distribution of the test statistic to obtain the tabulated value of the test statistic, sometimes called the critical value.
·         these values are given in tables, e.g., t-distribution table, normal distribution table, etc.

Step 6: Draw a conclusion, i.e., decide to accept or reject the H0 by comparing the calculated value of the test statistic and the tabulated value of the test statistic at the appropriate significance level.

1.       If the calculated test statistic > tabulated test statistic at , we reject H0.
2.       If the calculated test statistic < tabulated test statistic at , we accept H0.
(This applies to all statistical tests except the Wilcoxon paired-sample test.)

Step 7: State the probability (p) of making a mistake by committing a Type I error.

8.4 Type I and Type II Errors

Null Hypothesis
(according to statistical test)
Null Hypothesis
(in reality)
Correct decision
(no error)
Type I error
Type II error
Correct decision
(no error)

[Give 2 examples of M vs. F: intelligence; physical strength]

Type I error = rejection of H0 when it is in fact true.
·         p (Type I error) = , i.e., the probability of committing a Type I error is .
·         The Type I error can be determined by examining the theoretical distribution of the test statistic.

Type II error = accepting H0 when it is in fact false.
·         p (Type II error) = 
·         The Type II error can not be determined

Power of a statistical test
                        = 1-
= probability of rejecting a H0 when it is in   fact false
·         The power of a test can be increased [or the p (Type II error) can be decreased] by:
o   Increasing sample size (n)
o   Selected the most powerful statistical test for the situation

9.      Research/Sampling Design

9.1 Meaning of Research Design
·         Research design addresses the following questions:
o   Where will the study be carried out?
o   What type of data is required?
o   What should the arrangement of samples in space be?
o   What should be the arrangement of samples in time? When? How often?
o   What techniques will be used to collect data?
o   How will the data be analyzed?
·         Research design is advance planning
·         Improves the reliability of the results.
·         Helps to avoid mistakes in the research.

·         4 components of research design:
o   Sampling design – arrangement of samples in space and time
o   Observational design – techniques for collecting data
o   Statistical design – the plan for analyzing the data
-          ensures that samples are collected in a way that they can be analyzed
o   Operational design – the process and timing of implementing the sampling, observational, and statistical designs.
·         Research design must take into consideration:
o   Scientific reliability - must be scientifically rigorous
o   Skills of the researcher and his staff
o   Time available
o   Money available
o   Equipment and materials available

9.2 Components of Research

9.2.1 Independent and dependent variables
·         Variable = entity which is being measured.
o   E.g., weight, force, energy, light, height, color, etc.
o   There is natural variation in everything, so when you measure several objects or specimens, you will get different values, thus “variable”.
·         Independent variables = variables that are not affected by the other variables in the study, but are expected to affect those other variables.
·         Dependent variables = variables that are affected by the independent variables.
·         E.g., age and height – height does not affect age, but age affects height
·         E.g., heat and reaction rate
·         Independent and dependent variables are defined by the research problem and are given in the objectives and hypotheses.
·         In experimental research, the researcher manipulates the independent variables (i.e., deliberately changes them) and measures how this affects the dependent variables.
·         In observation (non-experimental) research, the researcher does not manipulate the independent variables, but measures them as they occur in nature.

9.2.2 Extraneous variables
·         Independent variables that are not related to the purpose of the experiment, though they could be of interest in a different experiment
·         These may affect the dependent variables and lead to “experimental error”.
·         Thus, extraneous variables must be controlled or made constant throughout the research.
·         E.g., if you are testing the effect of fertilizer on plant growth, light, soil type, water, etc. are extraneous variables and must be kept constant for all treatments.

9.2.3 Experimental and control groups
·         Here, a group refers to several replicates that receive the same treatment
·         Control group is subjected or exposed to usual conditions
·         Experimental groups are subjected to new conditions, which the researcher wants to investigate.
·         E.g., In an experiment where one is testing the effects of fertilizers on plant growth
o   Control group is subjected to the usual conditions of soil, water, light, etc., but no fertilizer.
o   Experimental groups are subjected to the same conditions + different types of fertilizers or different amounts of the same fertilizer.
·         Some studies do not have control groups, but it is best to have control groups when possible.

9.2 4 Treatments
·         The different conditions to which experimental and control groups are subjected or exposed.
·         Sometimes the term treatments can mean the experimental and control groups

9.2.5 Experimental units
·         Pre-determined plots or blocks where different treatments are applied.

9.2.6 Replication
·         Good experimental results should be repeatable and replicable. One way to replicate the results is to have several samples or replicates in the same experiment.
·         Replication is needed to:
o   Check or confirm the results
o   For statistical analysis
o   Estimate the precision (e.g calculate standard deviation) or state the probability that the conclusion is correct.
·         Statistical tests are based on replicates.
·         Replication is particularly important in biological sciences because there is so much natural variation from one organism to another or from one place to another within an ecosystem
·         In physical sciences, where data are collected from the natural environment, e.g., geological surveys, replication is also very important due to the great spatial variation in the environment.
·         When studying chemical reactions, there is less variability, but replication is needed to check the accuracy of results.
·         No. of replicates = no of samples or sample size (n)
·         No. of replicates depends upon:
o   Degree of variability of the material or objects being studied
o   Precision of the techniques used
o   Magnitude of the difference you expect to find between groups
·         In past experiments, replication was often insufficient. One experiment was conducted to see if a certain medicine could cause chickens to recover from a particular disease. The researcher reported that a chicken recovered from a disease when treated with a certain drug, another chicken died when treated with a second drug and no conclusions could be drawn about the third drug because that chicken ran away.
o   This is jumping to conclusions.

9.2.6 Factors
·         Independent variables that are used as treatments in an experiment and which have several levels

9.3 Types of Sampling
·        Types of sampling and research design deal with the arrangement of samples in space and time.
·        Random sampling (Def’n) = the selection of individuals or units from a population without bias, such that:
1.    All individuals have an equal chance of selection
2.    The selection of individuals is independent, i.e., the selection of one does not affect the selection of others
·        All statistical tests assume that samples are obtained randomly from a population
·        Random sampling can be done by:
o   Drawing numbers from a box
o   Using a random number table
o   Using a computer program
o   Using some procedure such as throwing a quadrate without looking
·        For observational science, that means collection of samples randomly
·        For experimental science, that means allocating the test units or organisms to the treatments at random.
·        Sampling with replacement preferred
·        Sampling without replacement must be done sometimes if the measurements require destroying the test unit/organism, but it violates the requirement for independence.
·        3 types of random sampling
o   Simple random sampling
§  Every sample is selected completely randomly and independently
o   Systematic random sampling
§  The first sample is selected randomly, then all other samples are selected sequentially, e.g., every 10 m, every 5 min, every 5th person, etc.
o   Stratified random sampling
§  The study area is divided into strata based on a pilot study (preliminary study)
§  Sampling intensity in each stratum is proportional to the estimated density, etc. of the items in the stratum
§  Within each stratum, samples are selected randomly
§  This gives the most accurate results if there are definite strata in the study area

9.4 Research Designs For Different Types of Studies
9.4.1 Research design for exploratory or formulative studies
·         Based on inductive reasoning
o   i.e., making many separate observations and then making a conclusion, which is usually tentative – a hypothesis.
·         The aim of exploratory research is to come up with theories, insights or hypotheses that can later be tested by hypothesis-testing research.
·         Thus, it is like only the first 4 steps of the scientific method: making observations about a problem, clearly defining the research problem, review the literature, making tentative conclusions (hypotheses).
·         Research design is very simple and does not involve independent and dependent variables, etc.
·         Methodology is simple and flexible; it involves making observations in various ways.
·         3 ways of making observations to formulate conclusions (hypotheses)
o   review of the literature
o   survey the experiences of other people
o   analysis of insight-stimulating examples
·         This type of research is not so common in modern science.

9.4.2 Research design in descriptive and diagnostic research
·         Simply describes a phenomenon as it is, but does not test any hypotheses.
·         The design involves:
o   Stating the phenomenon to be studied
o   Designing or choosing the techniques for data collection
o   Selecting the samples
o   Collecting the data
o   Analyzing the data
o   Writing a report describing the phenomenon
·         This type of research is generally not very important by itself
o   It may lead to information required to plan a full scientific study involving hypothesis testing

9.4.3 Research design in hypothesis-testing research
·         Involves both inductive and deductive reasoning
·         Uses inductive reasoning to come up with hypotheses
·         Uses deductive reasoning to test the hypotheses and draw conclusions
·         Thus, involves all steps of the scientific method
·         Deductive reasoning
o   Start with a general statement
o   This is used to predict specific consequences, i.e., specific hypotheses
o   Then you make observations to test the hypotheses and draw conclusions that are definite. Before-and-after without control design

Time period I
Treatment introduced
Time period II
Test group or area:
Level of phenomenon before treatment (X)

Level of phenomenon after treatment (Y)
Treatment effect = Y – X

o   Extraneous variables may also affect the phenomenon over time. After-only with control design

Treatment introduced

Test group or area:
Level of phenomenon after treatment (Y)
Control group or area:
Level of phenomenon after experiment (without treatment) (Z)
Treatment effect = Y – Z
o   Based on the assumption that the test and control areas are identical
o   However, often, extraneous variables may affect the two areas in different ways. Before-and-after with control design

Time period I
Treatment introduced
Time period II
Test group or area:
Level of phenomenon before treatment (X)
Level of phenomenon after treatment (Y)
Control group or area:
Initial level of phenomenon without treatment (A)
Final level of phenomenon without treatment (z)
Treatment effect = (Y – X) – (Z – A)

·         This design is superior to the first two types of design.
·         It eliminates the effect of extraneous variables, both due to time and space.
·         Takes more time and more space to conduct the experiment. Completely randomized design
·         Concerns the arrangement of replicates in space or the allocation of test units to various treatments.
·         Test units are allocated randomly to experimental treatments or plots.
·         Example: 4 fertilizer treatments (A, B, C, D) allocated randomly to 20 plots:


·         Suitable if there is no extraneous variable affecting the plots in a definite pattern.
·         Advantage is that it allows for different sample size for various groups
o   E.g.: 20 rats were randomly allocated to 4 different diets, but 6 died before the end of the experiment the final weights of the surviving rats can still be analyzed.

Final weights of rats (g)
Diet A
Diet B
Diet C
Diet D

·         Can be combined with either:
o   Before-and-after without control design
o   Or, after-only with control design
o   Or, before-and-after with control design Randomized block design
·         Necessary when there is a gradient of conditions across the test area.
·         Experimental area is divided into blocks such that it can be assumed that the conditions within each block are homogenous, even though conditions vary among blocks.
o   Thus it eliminates the effect of extraneous variables in space.
·         In each block, each treatment is represented once.

Text Box: Block (in space)				
1	C	A	D	B
2	B	D	A	C
3	B	C	D	A
4	D	A	B	C
5	A	C	D	B

·         Limitation:
o   requires an equal number of replicates or cells for all treatments
o   If some treatments die or are lost, either use a special formula to calculate missing value or delete replicates until there is equal replication.
·         Each “cell” can either have one replicate or several replicates
·         Can also be used to eliminate the effect of time on the observations
o   E.g., If a researcher wants to compare 4 sites and he cannot take measurements in all sites at the same time, he can take 1 measurement in each site every month
o   This will eliminate the effect of seasonal variation on the results.
o   Very useful for marine biology or wildlife ecology.

Text Box: 	Abundance of birds
Block (in time)	Site A	Site B	Site C	Site D
Oct	11	8	9	15
Nov	13	10	12	16
Jan	4	2	3	7
Feb	9	6	7	14
March	20	16	17	25

·         Can also be combined with either:

o   Before-and-after without control design
o   Or, after-only with control design
o   Or, before-and-after with control design Latin squares design
·         Very commonly used in agricultural research
·         Each treatment must be represented once in each row and once in each column.
·         Like randomized block design in both directions

Gradient in salinity

Text Box: A	B	C	D	E
moisture                      Ocean                                                                                                                       

·         Advantage is that it eliminates the effect of extraneous variables in two directions at the same time
·         Limitation
o   There must be equal columns and rows
o   Again, if any cell is lost, the missing value has to be calculated or the one row and one column have to be deleted. Factorial design
·         Used when the research wants to test the effects of more than one factor (variable) on the dependent variable

Factor B

Level I
Level II
Level I
Cell 1
Cell 3
Level II
Cell 2
Cell 4
·         Each cell may have one observation or several observations

10.  Proposal Writing

·         A well-formulated proposal can form the basis for the first sections of the final project report, i.e., Introduction and Methods sections
o   You will need only to add more detail.

10.1 Basic Research Proposal
·         For University 3rd year project, M.Sc. or Ph.D.

·         Should be written very concisely
·         Should mention the main independent and dependent variables
·         Mentions study area or study sites
·         One should be able to have a good impression of your main objective from reading the title
·         Avoid repetition of words
·         E.g. The effect of UV light on a specific plastic
·         E.g. The effect of phosphate on nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae
·         E.G. A comparison of marble deposits in Mbeya and Dodoma


1.1 General Introduction
·         Gives very general background information about the research topic
·         Explains the overall research topic in broad terms
·         Background information about the variables to be included in the study

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem 
·         Describes the research topic in more specific terms.
·         Clearly defines the research problem to be investigated
·         Briefly states what is already known about the topic
·         States what is yet to be investigated.
·         Concludes by stating the aim or general objective of the study, i.e., specifically what you are going to investigate about the problem

1.3 Objectives
·         States the specific objectives of the study
·         The specific research questions are usually stated in the form of specific objectives.
·         May be 2-6 objectives
·         Sometimes you may have
o   An overall general or development objective, and
o   2-6 specific objectives
·         Must mention all the independent and dependent variables
·         E.g., Question: Does UV light affect the strength of a certain type of plastic?
·         Objective: To determine the effect of ultraviolet light on the strength of a certain type of plastic
·         There must be (at least) 2 possible outcomes
·         Objectives must be unambiguous.
·         Form the focal point of the whole research plan
o   The hypotheses are formulated based on the objectives.
o   The objectives determine the data to be collected
o   Determine what literature to review
·         Usually formulate these first, before writing anything else.

1.4 Significance of the Study
·         Explain why the study is important
·         What will be the benefits of the study to society or to the environment
·         What further research will this study lead to

1.5 Literature Review
·         Gives details about what is already known about the overall research topic
·         Presents the findings of other researchers that are relevant to your study. 
·         Does not have to relate very directly to your specific problem, but can broadly review the literature about the general topic.
·         Can later be published as a review paper
·         You must write these findings in your own words,
·         Cite the author and year of publication in parentheses [e.g. (Clark, 1991) or (Clark and Roberts, 2003) or (Hanson et al., 1993)]. 
·         Should be divided in subsections
·         Can be considerable flexibility in the subsections
·         Subsections depend upon the topic
·         E.g., UV light, Increase in UV light through ozone depletion, the plastic being investigate (giving its properties and any previous studies done on the effect of UV light on this plastic
·         E.g. Properties of marble, economic importance of marble in Tanzania, Distribution of marble deposits in Tanzania (what is already known).
·         E.G. The BGA, Nitrogen fixation, Effects of phosphate on nitrogen fixation

·         Study Area (not Study Site)
§  Only included if yours is a field study
§  The last section of the literature review
§  Describes the general area around the sites where the study will be conducted
§  Location (may define the boundaries), climate, geography, environment, geo-physical conditions, biological conditions
§  Map
§  E.G., if you are doing a study in the Dar es Salaam harbour, the study area in the whole Dar es Salaam area.

1.6 Hypotheses
·         The hypotheses should be stated concisely based on your objectives
·         Stated according to what you predict, based on the literature review.
·         Normally, state what you expect to conclude from your research, i.e., directional, alternative hypotheses.
·         Sometimes you may wish to state them as null hypotheses, if it is difficult to predict the outcome. 
·         Come directly from the objectives
·         Two type of hypotheses:
o   Difference between groups, treatments
o   Relationship between variables

·         Study sites
o   Precisely describes the location and conditions of your sites
o   Map
·         Very precisely describes the research design
·         Explains the techniques to be used
·         If it is a standard technique there is no need to explain it in detail
o   Just cite reference
·         If it is a new technique, describe it in detail
·         Often the Methods Section of the proposal goes into the final report almost without change.
·         Someone should be able to read your methods section and know how to repeat the same experiment
·         Data analysis
o   States the exact analysis that you will do
o   States the statistical test that you will apply to test each hypothesis

            All literature cited in the text must be given in alphabetical order by author(s).  Following the authors' names, the year of publication, title of the paper, title of the journal, volume number and page numbers should be given. In the case of a book, the publisher and city should be given as well as the total number of pages in the book.

Budget and financial arrangements
-        who your sponsors are

Work plan (Timeframe)
10.2 Other Components of Proposals
·         Justification (Rationale for the study)
·         Beneficiaries of the study
·         Collaboration with other research projects
·         Expected outputs
·         Indicators
o   State indicators for measuring whether the outputs were attained
·         Research team to be involved

11.  Data Collection
11.1 Types of data
Data = the actual measurements or observations taken of the variable under study
Datum = a single measurement or observation
·         Type of data affects the statistical tests to be used for analysis

11.1.1   Data on a ratio scale
o   2 main characteristics
§  Constant interval size between successive units
§  It has a true zero point, which makes it possible to establish a ratio

11.1.2   Data on an interval scale
o   2 main characteristics
§  Constant interval size between successive units
§  It has no true zero point, which makes it impossible to establish a ratio, e.g. Temperature on Celsius scale, 0 has no real meaning it is arbitrary

11.1.3   Ordinal scale data
o   Data or observations which can be put in order from lowest to highest, but which do not have a constant interval between them, i.e., the data can be ranked

11.1.4   Nominal scale data
o   Data in which the variable is classified by some quality or attribute, i.e., the variable cannot be measured, it can only be put in certain categories

11.2 Precision and accuracy
·         Accuracy = the closeness of a measurement to the true value of the variable being measured
·         Precision = the closeness of repeated measurements of the same quantity

11.3 Sources of Error in Data Collection
·         Object being measured – it may be moving, e.g., bird.
·         Environmental conditions – wind, waves
·         Instrument – may be biased, not precise, not accurate
·         Researcher (Observer error)
o   though scientists try to record data very objectively, sometimes subjectivity may be involved
o   e.g., endpoint in a chemical reaction
o   e.g., measuring to the closest 1 mm
12.   Analysis and Interpretation of Data

·         Analysis and interpretation of data involves two aspects
  1. Descriptive Statistics  = description of the distribution of data and presentation of data in tables and graphs
  2. Inferential Statistics = analysis and interpretation of data by hypothesis testing for the purpose of making rational scientific conclusions about the phenomena being investigated.

·         Population = entire collection of measurements of a variable under study, i.e., it encompasses all the observations about which we wish to draw conclusions.
·         Sample = a relatively small number of observations from the population being investigated, i.e., a subset of the population.
  • Usually it is impossible or impractical to measure a variable for an entire population, so a sample is taken
  • Sample size = the number of observations in a sample.
  • Inferential statistics allows us to draw conclusions about an entire population based on data obtained from only a sample of observations.




                 DRAW CONCLUSION
                ABOUT THE ENTIRE

12.1 Descriptive statistics
12.1.1 Description of data in terms of statistical characteristics
·         2 important aspects
o   Measures of central tendency
·         Identifies the middle of the distribution of observations
·         E.g., mean, mode, median, midrange
o   Measures of dispersion or variability
·         E.g., range, variance, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation (standard deviation relative to the mean), indices of diversity (e.g., Shannon-Weaver index of diversity)

12.1.2 Presentation of data in tables and graphs
·         Usually raw data are not presented in scientific reports, though they may be included in the appendices.
·         Tables and graphs usually present data in summarized form (ratio, interval and ordinal scale data), particularly showing frequency distribution, means, standard deviation (or standard error), and sample size.
·         Tables and graphs showing frequency distribution of nominal scale data
o   (show Excel file: Tables and graphs—Sheet 1.)

·         Tables and graphs showing relationship between X and Y (XY graph)
o   (show Excel file: Tables and graphs—Sheet 2.)

12.1.3 Inferential Statistics Parametric versus nonparametric statistical methods

Parametric Statistical methods:
·         Involve the estimation of population parameters, e.g., mean, variance, etc.
·         Have certain underlying assumptions about the populations being tested, e.g.
o   Randomness: Samples must be randomly selected
o   Normality: The data must be normally distributed
o   Homogeneity of variances: when comparing 2 or more samples, all samples must have equal variances
·         Capabilities/requirements
o   more powerful than nonparametric tests
o   suitable for ratio and interval scale data
o   not very suitable for ordinal scale data
o   cannot be used for nominal scale data
o   Where the data fit the assumptions required for parametric methods, these methods are more powerful than nonparametric methods (usually by 10%), i.e., there is less chance of making a Type II error
·         Examples: t test, analysis of variance and regression

Nonparametric statistical methods
·         Do not use estimates of population parameters in their calculations and make no hypotheses about parameters
·         Do not make any assumptions about the nature of the distribution of the populations being investigated; sometimes called distribution-free tests
·         Only assumption or requirement is that the samples must be selected randomly
·         Capabilities
o   can be used with all types of data (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scale data)
·         No assumptions, except randomness
·         Examples of nonparametric tests: Chi-square test, Spearman rank correlation, Mann-Whitney U test

·         Example of parametric test: two-sample t test Selection of statistical tests
·         Best to take a course on statistical analysis where one learns how to calculate the stats tests – to get an appreciation and understanding of stats.
·         However, these days scientists just feed data into a computer and get the answer, but they have to know which is the right test to use for a given problem.

Distinction between variable and factor
·         Sometimes the terms “variable” and “factor” are used almost interchangeably, but sometimes they are used differently, depending upon the context.
·         Variables – vary together, i.e., as one variable varies, the other varies with it.
·         Factor – one “variable” is allocated to different treatments or groups and is thus usually called a “factor”
·         Distinction between variable and factor depends upon the hypotheses

Hypotheses testing for difference between groups or treatments (called different treatments of a factor)

Example: Ho: No significant difference in growth rate of algae at different temperatures

7 g/day

·         Here, T is considered as a single factor/ variable, which is independent
·         Growth rate is the dependent variable
·         We are testing the hypotheses about difference among groups
·         Analysis
o   If data fit the assumptions of parametric tests: Single Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
o   If data do not fit the assumptions of parametric tests: Kruskal-Wallis test

Hypotheses testing for relationship between variables

Ho: There is no significant relationship between temperature and the growth rate of alga

Temperature (x) (C)
Growth rate of algae (g/day)

·         Analysis
o   If data fit the assumptions of parametric tests: Correlation, Regression analysis
o   If data do not fit the assumptions of parametric tests: Spearman rank correlation

p = parametric
n = nonparametric


13.  Writing Scientific Reports

   Different steps in writing a scientific report
1.    Generally,scientific reports are the product of slow,careful, accurate inductive work. The usual steps involved in writing these reports are:
a) Logical analysis of the subject matter
b) Preparation of the final outline
c) Preparation of the rough draft
d) Re-writing and polishing
e) Preparation of the bibliography
f) Writing the final draft

A) Logical analysis of the subject matter
·         It is the first step which is primarily concerned with the development of the subject
B) Preparation of the final outline
·         an aid to logical organization of the material and a reminder of the points of the report
C) Preparation of the rough draft
·         Very important
·         write down the procedures adopted in collecting the material for the study along with various limitations faced , the technique of analysis adopted , the broad findings and generalizations and the various suggestions one wants to offer regarding the problem concerned.
C)Preparation of the rough draft

D) re-writing and polishing of the rough draft 

·         Time intensive
·         Cohesion,clarity , flow and conscisivenes are all checked
E) Preparation of the final bibliography
·         List of books in some way pertinent to the research
·         It should contain all those works which the researcher has consulted
F) Writing the final draft
·         This constitutes the last step and should therefore be concise without expressions like “it seems”,”there may be” and the like
·         Avoid abstract terminology and technical jargon.
·         Use diagrams,illustrations, and examples
·         Should be interesting and show originality
NB: It must be remembered that every report should be an attempt to solve some intellectual problem and must continue to the solution of a problem and must add to the knowledge of both the researcher and the reader

1.    Necessarily be conveyed enough about the study so that he can place it in its general scientific context
2.    Judge the adequacy of its methods  thus form  an opinion of how seriously.....(blah blah)

13.1 Format of a Scientific Report

·         The first sections of a scientific report are usually the same as those of the proposal

Title page

·         Gives a concise title of the study, the names of the authors, the organization or publishing company responsible for publishing or producing the report and the year.
·         If the report is for a certain course at the University, you should put the course code number and your registration number
·         If it is a third year project, you should write at the bottom of the page: “A Third Year Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the University of Dar es Salaam”.
·         If it is for a post-graduate thesis or dissertation, write: ….


·         Must be written very concisely, without wasting extra words
·         State what you did (methodology), the main results, the important conclusions and any significant recommendations. 
·         Although this is the first part presented in the report, it is usually the last part written, because it must synthesize the entire report. 
·         The abstract should not exceed the required number of pages, according to the regulations given by the particular institution, journal or organization, e.g., 300 words. 

Declaration of Copyright
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures (including maps)
List of Photographs (if any)
List of Appendices (if any)
Dedication (optional)
·         Gives the names of the people who helped you in any way, briefly mentions the role they played and the institutions from which they come.

·         Paginate the preceding pages in lower case Roman numerals (beginning with the title page, though the number is not shown on the title page)
·         The remaining pages (starting with the introduction) should be numbered in Arabic numerals.

·         The following sections are nearly the same as found in the proposal; however, more detail is added and some aspects may be changed according to experiences gained while conducting the research.

1.1 General Introduction
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem 
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Literature Review
       Study Area (not Study Site)
§  The last section of the literature review
§  Sometimes it may be a separate section
1.6 Hypotheses

·         Usually divided into subsections which are identical to, or similar to, the subsections of the materials and methods section.
·         In this section, you describe your own results without any mention of the findings of others.
·         Data should be presented in summarized form in tables or illustrated in graphs.  Means and standard deviations should be shown. 
·         Every graph must be given a number
·         Every graph that is shown must be cited in the text in parentheses, using the appropriate number.
·         The text must comment on each table and graph describing the main trends shown in them. 
·         The main trends shown by the tables and figures should be briefly described.
·         Conclusions inferred from statistical tests should be stated, giving the test statistic, the probability of committing a Type I error, and the sample size (or degrees of freedom). If many statistical tests were performed, it may be best to present the statistics in tables.  
o   Example of statistics as part of the text:
“There was a significant difference in blood pressure between the experimental group, who were given Vitamin E, and the control group, who were not given the vitamin (two-sample t test: t = 2.386, DF = 22, p = 0.0261).

o   Example of many results given in a table:

Table 3.1: Results of the two-sample t test for the difference in water temperature between cleared and forested areas in Sites A, B, C and D.

Note: * = Significant, ** = Very significant, *** = Extremely significant


·         Focus on discussing your results
o   in relation to your hypotheses and
o   in comparison with the findings of others. 
·         Try to give scientific explanations as to why your findings are the same as, or are different from, the findings of others and what you hypothesized. 
·         Do not repeat the literature review here; however; simply mention the findings of others (giving the author and year of publication) in order to compare your results. 
·         Do not repeat the results section, but simple refer to certain results and discuss the reasons for those findings
·         Do not be alarmed if your findings are completely different from what you expected.  However, try to give reasonable explanations for the deviations of your results from what was hypothesized. 


·        Concisely state the important, overall conclusions drawn from your study.
·        These conclusions may be similar to your hypotheses (if they were proven true) or the opposite (if your findings were to the contrary).

·        Give recommendations regarding possible application of the findings of your study, e.g., if the study was on environmental issues, recommendations regarding conservations strategies or resource use management.
·        Give recommendations for further study or aspects that need to be investigated.


            All literature cited in the text must be given in alphabetical order by author(s).  Following the authors' names, the year of publication, title of the paper, title of the journal, volume and page numbers should be given. In the case of a book, the publisher and city should be given as well as the total number of pages in the book.


·         May include details of specific techniques used in data collection, e.g., soil particle size analysis, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, methods of chemical analysis, etc.
·         May give formulae or special statistical procedures used.
·         May give raw data or semi-raw data.


·         “The fact that there was …

13.2 Scientific Style of Writing

13.2.1 Orderly presentation of ideas
·         Must be a logical sequence or systematic order in the arrangements of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and sections of the report
·         There must be continuity in the flow of the arguments, i.e., no gap in the sequence of logic
·         Correct placement of punctuation marks helps readers to understand the flow of the argument, e.g., use of commas
·         Use of transition words:
o   Cause-and-effect links: therefore, consequently, subsequently, as a result
o   Strengthening your argument or discussion: in addition, moreover, furthermore, similarly
o   Contrast links: conversely, nevertheless, however, whereas

13.2.2 Smoothness of Expression
·         Distinction between scientific writing and creative or literary writing
o   In literary writing, the author tries to create ambiguity or insert unexpected ideas in order to arouse attention or interest
o   In scientific writing, this would only create confusion.
·         Because you are so familiar with the work you have done, you may omit some aspects thinking that it is understood.
o   One solution is to put the manuscript aside for awhile and re-read it later so that you can notice omissions and irrelevancies
o   Another solution is to give your manuscript to someone else to read.
·         Be careful not to change verb tenses
o   Literature review: use either past tense [Smith (1994) showed that] or present perfect tense [Researchers have shown]
o   Methodology: use past tense (future tense for proposal)
o   Results: use past tense
o   Discussion: use present tense [the results of experiment 2 indicate that…]
o   Conclusions: again use present tense
o   Recommendations: use present tense [It is recommended that…] or conditional tense [Steps should be taken to mitigate negative impacts on the environment such as…]

13.2.3 Economy of Expression
·         Write only what is necessary or important
·         Particularly for papers to be submitted to a journal for publication—they will not publish something that is too wordy.
·         Avoid overly detailed descriptions of apparatus and procedures.
o   If it is a new technique, the details can be put in the appendices
o   If it is a well-known, standard technique just give the name of the technique and a reference or describe it in one sentence.
·         Wordiness: avoid unnecessary words or phrases
o   If you revise your report several times, you can usually cut out a few words each time.
·         Redundancy: absolutely essential, in close proximity to, completely unanimous
·         Sentence length and paragraph length: avoid a chain or very short sentences or a chain of very long sentences—varying sentence length keeps the interest of the reader
o   The same applies for paragraph length

13.3 Symbols and Abbreviations

13.3.1 SI Units
·         SI = Systeme Internationale d’Unites (International System of Units)
·         Based on the metric system
·         Only SI Units should be used in scientific work

·         Basic SI units
Name of Unit
Unit Symbol
Electric current
Luminous intensity
Amount of substance

·         Multiples and submultiples of the basic units

·         Derived SI Units with special names (a few)
Physical Quantity
Name of Unit
Definition of Unit
kg m2 s-2
kg m s-2
kg m2 s-3

·         Other derived SI units (a few)
Physical Quantity
SI Unit
Square metre
Cubic metre
Metre per second
m s-1

·         Named units which are sub-multiples and multiples of SI units
Physical Quantity
104 m2
103 kg

·         Do not put a period after symbols
·         An oblique stroke or negative index can be used
o   E.g., m/s or m s-1 (notice the space between m and s)
·         Other units
o   Minutes: min
o   Hour: h
o   Degrees: 45o
·         Do not abbreviate the following, unless the particular journal gives instructions:
o   Day, week, month, year

13.3.2 Abbreviations
·         Use periods, unlike symbols for units
·         E.g.,
·         Ed. Or eds.
·         Anon.
·         Cf.  = compare
·         Fig. Or figs.
·         Et al. = and others
·         Etc.
·         i.e. = that is
·         Viz. = namely
·         Vs. = versus

13.4 Steps In Writing a Scientific Report
Logical analysis of the subject matter
·         Chronologically
·         logically
Preparation of the outline (table of contents)
Preparation of the rough draft
·         abstract last
Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft
·         Informal review
·         Re-read later
·         Revise one or two aspects at a time
o   Content/logic
o   Grammar
o   Spelling
o   Consistency in stats, tables and graphs
o   Citation of literature
Final draft for submission
Review (formal)/external examiner
Viva voce = oral presentation
Final revision for final submission

14. Types of Scientific Publications
14.1 Technical Report
·         Very detailed, not very concise
·         Gives all details of the methods, results, all data may be included in the appendices
·         Assessments of the environment

14.2 Research paper/report
·         Original data
·         Should be concisely written
·         Substantial contribution to science
·         Usually reviewed by referees (Reviewers)
·         Published in a journal

14.3 Short communication/ Synopsis
·         Original data
·         Minor experiment or study
·         Contribution to new knowledge on one minor aspect
·         Usually reviewed by referees
·         Published in a journal

14.4 Thesis
·         For M.Sc. or Ph.D.

14.5 Dissertation
·    For M.Sc. thesis by coursework and research

14.6 Review paper
·         Reviews the studies of others
·         Usually on a specific topic
·         No original data or findings
·         May give new insights/ concepts/ theories, based on the findings of many others
·         Based on secondary data
·         If it is published in a journal, it is usually reviewed by referees

14.7 Conference proceedings
·         May be published as a book
·         May or may not be reviewed by referees

14.8 Book
·         Systematic collection of information on a broad topic
·         Reviews a very large number of other studies
·         Usually no original data
·         May give new insights/ concepts/ theories, based on the findings of many others

14.9 Book review
·         Reviews, criticises, comments on a book


·         Annotated bibliography
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