One of the job descriptions of an environmental inspector/officer is to understand contaminants and their origin for effective environmental management (prevention, consultation, investigation, and education of the community regarding health risks and maintaining a safe environment). A contaminant  is a substance found  where  it shouldn`t be in high enough levels to have a negative effect on our health  or on the health of animals  or plants or the environment have effects not only on fish, wildlife, and their habitat, but also on human health. it takes  often  years, if not decades ,before  we may become  aware  that a contaminant is having a harmful  effect on our natural resources  and, even if its use is enter the environment  in many different  ways. There are many types of contamination sources, both point and non-point, that undermine and damage the ecosystem. In Dar-es-salaam city, the contaminant sources of can be divided into two groups .these consist of point and non –point source. point sources  of contaminations  occur  when harmful substances  are emitted directly into  a part of the environment  changes, often over a  widespread area and its initial  location is difficult  to pinpoint, this means  that  it is difficult  to regulate or even keep  track  of the contamination .In many cases, the origin  of contamination may not be as clear , but  if effect can be observed  in the environment .For example, agricultural pesticides can be carried by runoff and end up  contaminating a stream  dozens of miles away. Pollutants can also be carried for long distances through the air and deposited on land and in water by rain. The more obvious sources of contamination  include waste disposal ,gasoline entering  water bodies , chemicals and salts from roadways  washing into rivers, and harmful toxins being  released  into the air. Science  provides many practical  solutions to minimizing  the present level at which contaminants are introduced  into the environment.contamination  prevention  means ~ source of reduction ~ which includes `other practices  that  reduce  or eliminate  the creation of contaminants  through (1) increased efficiency  in the use of raw materials,energy , water ,or  other resources ,or (2) protection of natural resources  by conservation .Although in developed countries  point sources  contaminants are generally  better regulated , in developing  countries point sources  contaminants  are generally  better regulated ,in developing  countries like Tanzania point sources  contamination  are not well regulated. therefore  the aim of  this practical is to observe both point and non-point sources  of contamination in the city of Dar es salaam from selected site.

Our basic task was  to visit,observe,take notes from a selected contaminated  site in Dar es salaam city  which was the university of dar –es-salaam landfill/dump using  the proposed guidelines below. With this field observation we examined various  aspects of contaminants  and their origin
a) What is the estimated size of the sites?
Answer: The sites was about ……large and
b) What comprises the contaminated sites?
c) What type of activity contaminated the sites?
Answer:  That contaminated sites has been contaminated by  variety of intended, , or activities and events such as waste disposal, accidental spills, legal  and illegal dumping

d) Are the contaminated sites in their level of “maturity” ( fully contaminated) or “ state of progression “( contamination in progress)
Answer:  The contaminated sites in their state of progression “(contamination in progress)

e) Are contaminated sites visited different? If yes or no give sound reasons for your answer.

Yes, because the contaminant that are on the contamination sites are from different sources (point source of contamination, and nonpoint source of contamination,also some emerging contaminants appeared there )
a) Explain briefly the types of contaminants categories observed from the contaminated sites,
They was some different categories of contaminants
ü  Oxygen depleting organics: human waste
ü  Metals, we believed that their was the presence of these metals because on the sites they was some laboratory and hospital wastes like old bottles of chemicals, bags,.
ü  Nuisance substances: we also suspected the presence of these substances, because of industrial waste, garage wastes, hospital waste, that appeared at the sites….
b) Are contaminants organic or in organic in their origin?
Answer: the contaminants are both organic and inorganic in their origin
 c) What are the effects/risks of these contaminants pose to the ecosystem?
People  that  are exposed to toxic air pollutants at sufficient concentrations and durations may have an increased chance of getting cancer or experiencing other serious health effects. These health effects can include damage to the immune system, as well as neurological, reproductive (e.g., reduced fertility), developmental, respiratory and other health problems. In addition to exposure from breathing air toxics, some toxic air pollutants such as mercury can deposit onto soils or surface waters, where they are taken up by plants and ingested by animals and are eventually magnified up through the food chain. Like humans, animals may experience health problems if exposed to sufficient quantities of air toxics over time. 
a) From sites assessment and observation classify the sources of contamination into point and non-point sources. Give specific examples observed from the contaminated sites.
The sources of contamination
Point sources:
Non-point sources:
b) While researching point and non-point sources, did  your team  discovered types of point and non-point contaminants being  of  human origin? If your answer is yes  or no give brief explanations
Answer: Yes

Complete removal of contaminant is economically and technically not reasonable, but to reach a level where the risks are minimized, meaning in a more practical sense for the concentration of the contaminants to fall below a threshold value.
 What are the ways can be taken to decrease contaminants in the sites visited?
Answer:  there are many ways of reducing the contaminants :
ü  Contaminants should be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible;
ü  Contaminants that cannot be prevented should be recycled in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible;
ü  Contaminants  that cannot be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible; and
ü  Disposal or other release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort and should be conducted in an environmentally safe manner

Use the following criteria questions to judge your action plans for effective and efficient reduction of contamination
1)      Which way is most cost-effective
Answer: Recyle and Reuse  of the contaminants
2)       Which solution will best help us meet our goal of a sustainable society and sustainable environment?
Answer: Recyling and Reuse  of the contaminants
3)      Which solution will the people  in the community around the contaminated sites respond to best?
Answer: Recyling and Reuse  of the contaminants

4)      Which solution will limit contamination by humans the most?
Answer: Recyling and Reuse  of the contaminants will limit the contaminations because its has significant advantages,it leads to less utilization of raw materials, it reduces  environmental impacts arising  from waste treatment and disposal .makes  the surrounding  cleaner  and healthier , it can help us to save a landfill space, can save money, can reduce the amount of energy required  to manufacturer new products , can also help  to prevent the creation of waste at the sourc
5)      A challenge! Draw a flow chart for general ways, which can  be taken  to decrease  contaminants  in the sites visited.
REFERENCE published  on 10 March 2011  accessed on January,1th , 2014 ,5:12PM                                                accessed on January, 1th , 2014,5:41PM

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