Write an essay on Bilharzias or Schistosomiaisis
using the following guidelines.
Life cycle of causative agent
Transmission of disease (NECTA 1995 QN 12)
Symptoms of disease
Preventive measures
is a disease caused by worms called schistosomes, these worms are of three
types Schistosoma haematobium which attacks human bladder It is common in East
Africa, Egypt and Asia,Schistosoma mansoni attacks large intestine in man and
baboons It is common in Middle East and South Americans and Schistosoma
japonicum which attacks mainly the small intestine and other parts of
alimentary Canal, It is common in china, japans and Philippines.
Transmission of the disease is by the
snail, that is the snail disease. Schistosoma eggs are passed with feaces and
urine in to water. In water eggs are developed in to worms called miracidia
(singular; miracidium), these oval and ciliated worms larvae swim and
penetrates in to water snail in which they grow to form cercariae. The larvae
cercariae leave a snail and swim in water until they find new person, they
penetrate the body through skin by
producing hydrolyzing enzymes which dissolve the skin and enters blood vessel
or can penetrates through the mucus
membrane of mouth as one drink dirty contaminated water. Then blood carriesthis
cercaria to the pelvic veins where they develop in to adult schistosoma worms.
The symptoms of bilhaziasis can be
explain according to the type and a part under which the worms attacks; in
urinary Bilharziasis there are pains and sometimes blood is observed during
urination due to ulceration of urinary bladder.
In abdominal Bilharziasis there are pains, nausea, loss of appetite
and traces of blood in the faeces are observed, other symptoms inclue enlarged
spleen, anemia, oedema of feet, swelling of feet due to accumulation of fluid,
fever and cough.
Preventive measures, the disease can
be controlled through a number of ways these includes,Proper use of latrines,
Vector control by draining stagnant water, Avoid bathing in standing water with
snail, De-worming that is use of drugs to kill schistosoma in an infected
person, Drinking a boiled water, Provision of health education to the
Write an essay on either Dysentry or Typhoid
using the following outlines
Transmission (NECTA
1996 QN 11)
Dysentery is a disease caused bacterium called Shigella
or protozoan known as Entamoeba
histolytica, eating contaminated food spreads it or drinking contaminated
Transmission of pathogen; these
pathogen may be transferred from feaces of an infected person to food by flies
or dirty hands, feaces from infected person may also find their way in to water
supply and sewage disposal system have been damaged by floods, typhoons and
earth quakes.
The symptoms shown by the disease
are severe diarrhea with blood stained, abdominal pain, dehydration due to
excessive and severe diarrhea and profuse bleeding.
Prevention of disease: the disease
can be prevented by proper use of latrines, treatment of sewage system,
treatment of domestic water that is water used at home for different purpose,
boiling a drinking water, well covering of food to avoid contaminated by flies,
washing of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables before eating and washing
hands before and after eating as well as washing with soap after attending
Treatment, the disease can be
treated by rehydration drugs antibiotics.
Causes of the disease, it
is infectious disease caused by bacterium called salmonella typhi; the pathogens attack walls of intestine, spleen,
bone marrow and gall bladder. The infected area of small intestine may develop
Typhoid is transmitted
though drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food or eating
improperly cooed vegetable; the pathogen may also be transferred from feaces of
an infected person to food by flies or hands. The vector for typhoid is
housefly and it spread through faecal matter of an infected person, may also
finds their way in to water used for domestic purpose by unsanitary condition
such as poor sewage disposal system, floods, and typhoon. Incubation period is
somewhat 1 – 3 months.
of the disease shown are as followsContinuous fever for 2 – 3 weeks,
Slight abdominal pain or upsets, Vomiting and diarrhea, Sore throat, sometimes
bloody stool due to the destruction of the gut and intestinal perforation which
accompanied by dysentery. All these symptoms may also be accompanied by
irregularity in body temperature.
Prevention of the diseaseare by Proper
community sanitation and proper use of latrines, Personal hygiene such as
washing hands after visiting toilets with soap and clean water, proper disposal
of sewage, Water sources and food should be protected against flies, Water for
drinking should be boiled, covering food to avoid contamination, and washing
fresh food before eating.
The treatment of the disease is by
the use of antibiotics drugs preferably Chlorophenical and also treated by
getting vaccination.
Discuss the major sexually transmitted disease
under the following guidelines.
Symptoms of the disease.
Possible preventive measures (NECTA 1998
QN 13).
The major sexually transmitted diseases are Syphilis
and Gonorrhea.
Syphilis is a disease appears between 14 to 28 days after contact with
infected person, the symptoms of the
disease occurs in three stages; the first stage or primary stage last for 3
– 4 weeks after infection, it is characterized by painless sore called chancre,
which may appear or around the genitalia, anus or mouth and soon disappear without
treatment. The second stage, the stage lasts for 5 – 14 weeks after infection, rashes,
fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, body weakness, tender glands and mouth
sore, characterize it. The last stage or final stage appear years later when
syphilis not treated for long time it starts damaging the internal organs like
heart and liver and may results in to blindness, heart disease, and insanity
and ectopic pregnancies that is unborn baby dies in the womb or soon after
birth and lastly it can lead to death.
The possible preventive measures of
the disease are by Abstinence from sex, Being faithful to your partner, Condom
use to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse, Avoid contact with skin sores and
curing or treatment must be done for all partners which penicillin is effective
in the treatment of all stages of syphilis.
Another sexually transmitted disease is gonorrhea,
the symptoms for a disease develops in male usually and not in females which
includes the following; Burning sensation during urination, Discharge of pus
like which are greenish-yellow fluid through urinary system that is tip of the
penis in male and vagina in females, It brings about the menstrual change in
women, Abdominal pain and swelling. These symptoms appear about 10 days after
contact with an infected person.
Preventive measure of the disease includes Abstinence
from sex, being faithful to your partner, condom use to avoid unprotected
sexual intercourse. Antibiotics can cure gonorrhea and both partners must be
a) What do you understand by the term disease?
Write an essay on various methods by which human
infectious disease are transmitted. (NECTA 1999).
a. A
disease is a condition, which describes the state of health of a body. It is a
condition where a part or parts of a body are not functioning normally. Any
deviation from the normal functioning of a body means ill health or sickness.
b. The
method under which disease are transmitted are categorized into two ways is
direct transmission and indirect transmission into various methods are as
Direct contact; This route for
contagious disease that is spread through contact between a health person and
infected person for instanceringworms, athlete’s fore tired eyes etc.
Direct bite;this is a direct
transmission with a bite from animal contain a disease causing organism e.g.
rabies, which is transmitted through dog bite.
Vector borne disease; this is
transmission by intermediate agent caused vectorwhich carries a disease for
instance female anopheles mosquito carries plasmodium for transmitting malaria,
housefly for cholera, tsetse fly for sleeping sickness.
Vehicle borne disease; are disease
transmitted to the mouth through a contaminated food, water and other eaten
substance e.g. cholera, dysentery and typhoid.
Air bone disease; are disease under
which pathogens are spread by wind and dusts for stance tuberculosis,
meningitis and influenza.
Formite bone; is a kind of transmission
in which person get infection by touching any article which has been in contact
with a disease agent e.g. towels, pants, toothbrush etc.
Sexually transmitted disease; are kind
of disease transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected person example
AIDS, Gonorrhea and syphilis.
Write an essay on body defense against
infections by skin, tears, white bood cells, stomach/ gastric juices and mucus
membrane provide a natural body defense against pathogen. (NECTA 2001 QN 11)
The skin: skin
and epithelial lining provide physical barrier which prevents microbes from
entering the body, outer part of the skin is made up of dead layers of cells
known as cornified layer, which prevent entry of pathogens in to the body.
Sebaceous glands in the dermis secrete Skin sweat and sebum, acts as antiseptic
against pathogens.
produced by tear glands or lacrimal glands in the eye, can kill foreign
organism entering the body through the eyes. they secretes an alkaline fluid
which has antiseptic effects on pathogens, when germs enters the eyes they are
destroyed by tears.
White blood
cells (leukocytes): some white blood cells engulf microbes and destroy
them, and othe kind of white blood cells secretes antibodies which fight against antigens (microbes), and
other types of white blood cells produce antitoxins against microbial toxins
hence if the toxins of pathogen are neutralized by antitoxins, it brings no
harm to the body.
gastric juices: the gastric glands in the stomach produces gastric juice,
this juice contain digesting enzyme such as rennin and pepsin and hydrochloric
acid, among the function of hydrochloric acid is to kill bacteria that enters
the stomach with foodwhich is taken in the body through the mouth.
membrane:this is the a layer which covers most of the open surface like the
inner walls of the digestive system, respiratory system, and the surface of the
auditory canal in the ears. The mucous glands in the membrane secretes mucous
which traps any pathogens and discharge them out of the body, mucous in the
ears secretes ears waxes along the auditory canal to destroy microbes trying to
enter to the body through the ears.
Write an essay on cholera using the following
Prevention. (NECTA
2004 QN 12)
Causative agent: Caused by a
coma shaped motile bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae.The main source of
infection is contaminated water by feaces from infected individual taking
contaminated food and water contaminated with feaces from infected person.
The symptoms of the disease
areSevere, watery diarrhea passed almost continuously, Whitish stool like
rice-water, no abdominal pain, General body weakness, Rapid loss of weight, Wrinkled
skin, sunken eyes and cheek due to dehydration, Skin pinch goes back very
slowly, Urine is hardly passed or no urine at all, Vomiting after or before
diarrhea, this may cause death.
The mode of transmission of
cholera is by direct contamination of food or water with feaces (faecal-oral route) as a result of poor
hygienic condition and also by means of vectors e.g. flies moving from human
feaces to food. It is very common in crowded areas where poor sanitation and
unhygienic condition prevail.
The disease can be preventedby
Hygienic waste disposal, Preparing and store food in clean places, Keeping
water supply clean and safe, Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water after
toilets, Boil a drinking water, Vaccination is also available, Avoid
overcrowded areas or burial places during epidermis
The effects of cholera are severe
diarrhea, some damage to cells lining the intestine, delaying treatment lead to
(a) Out line the ways by which the human body
prevents invasion and infection by the disease-causing microorganism.
(b) Discuss the cause, mode of
transmission and control of malaria. (NECTA
2006 QN 13)
The skin – outer part of the skin is
made up of dead layers of cells known as cornified layer, which prevent entry
of pathogens in to the body. Skin produce sweat and sebum acts as antiseptic
against pathogens.Skin and epithelial lining provide physical barrier which
prevents microbes from entering the body, outer part of the skin is made up of
dead layers of cells known as cornified layer, which prevent entry of pathogens
in to the body. Sebaceous glands in the dermis secrete Skin sweat and sebum,
acts as antiseptic against pathogens.
Mucous membrane – the mucous glands in
the membrane secretes mucous which traps any pathogens and discharge them out
of the body.This is the a layer which covers most of the open surface like the
inner walls of the digestive system, respiratory system, and the surface of the
auditory canal in the ears. The mucous glands in the membrane secretes mucous
which traps any pathogens and discharge them out of the body, mucous in the
ears secretes ears waxes along the auditory canal to destroy microbes trying to
enter to the body through the ears.
Ciliary membrane – respiratory membrane
are equipped with cilia, which traps pathogens and foreign body inhaled with
Acids and bacteria in the vagina – the
acids provides unfavorable condition for bacteria growth hence preventing new
growth of bacteria, the acids also kills foreign organism entering stomach or
Tears – are produced by tear glands or lacrimal
glands in the eye, can kill foreign organism entering the body through the
eyes.are produced by tear glands or lacrimal glands in the eye, can kill
foreign organism entering the body through the eyes. they secretes an alkaline
fluid which has antiseptic effects on pathogens, when germs enters the eyes
they are destroyed by tears.
Malaria (causes, transmission and control)
Causative agent;This is caused by protozoon’s parasites known as
plasmodium. There are four types of plasmodium, namely, Plasmodium malariae,
Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falsiparum
Transmission; Malaria is
transmitted by carrying plasmodium from blood of infected person to the new
health person through female anopheles mosquito bites, occasionally can occur
through blood transfusion.
Control of malaria; Use
insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes, Drain mosquitoes breeding grounds, Cut
down bushes around homes, Sleeping behind mosquitoes treated nets, Wearing a
long sleeved shirts and trousers during nights, Smearing mosquito repellant
cream, Introduce fish or tadpoles, frogs and toads, crustacea in water sources.
These organism feed oneggs, lava and pupa of mosquitoes.The current treatment
in Tanzania is drug of combination of Artemether and Lumefantrine (Alu), second
line drug is quinine.
Cholera has been a long-term problem in this
country. during heavy rains the problem becomes more serious. Even the neighboring
countries have attempted to eradicate the disease but they have not been very
Explain the possible reasons that have led to
the failure.
Explain how this disease can be eradicated
successful in terms of its mode of transmission, control and curative methods.
a). Reasons
for failure to eradicate the disease are
sanitation: poor sanitation predisposes to more contamination of food and
water especially during rainy season when wastes are flashed away by water.
Lack of
adequate clean and safe water supplies;people move a long distance
searching for water or even pond water that have a risk of contamination
especially during a rainy season.
Poor personal
hygiene; some people eat fresh foods like fruits, without washing or even
eat foods with without washing hands or eating foods sold by mobile vendors
where the risk of contamination is very high. Some people don’t wash hands with
soap after attending toilet.
Civil unrest;
which forces people live in refugee camps on to which the area in most cases
are very much congested in creasing a risk to epidemic diseases, example
some people have less knowledge concerning the risk of getting cholera, hence
have a minima chance of serving themselves from getting a disease.
poor incomes compels people to practice which is are non healthy and with a
great risk of contaminating cholera, example making and using local brews where
its preparation in most cases is not hygienic.
b) Cholera can
be eradicated
education should be provided to people in order to protect them from risky
proper disposal and treatment of feces from cholera victims and all
contaminated materials example clothing, bleeding, etc is essential. All
material that comes in to contact with cholera patient should be sterilized by
washingwith hot water using chlorine bleach if possible. Hands that touch
cholera patience or their clothing, bedding should be thoroughly cleaned and
disinfect with chlorinated water or other effective antimicrobial agents.
treatment; antibacterial treatment of general sewage by chlorine, ozone,
ultraviolet light, or other effective treatment before it enters a water ways
or underground water supplies helps prevent undiagnosed patient from
inadvertently spreading the disease.
treatment:all water used for drinking cooking or washing should sterilized
by either boiling, chlorination, ozone water treatment or antimicrobial
filtration in any area where cholera may be present.
Treatment of
the patience: in most cases cholera can be treated by the Oral rehydration
Therapy (ORT). In situation where commercially produced ORT sachets are too expensive
or difficult to obtain, alternative home made solution using various formulas
of water, sugar, table salt, baking soda, and fruits offer less expensive method
of electrolyte repletion. In severe cholera cases with significant dehydration,
the administration of intravenous rehydration solutions may be necessary.
Antibiotics: example tetracycline, shorten the cause
of the disease and reduces the severity symptoms, however ORS remains the
principle treatment.
(a). Differentiate HIV, AIDS, and STI’s. How do
they relate?
Analyse the impacts of HIV/AIDS in the community. What can be done to controland manage the spread of
HIV/AIDS? (NECTA 2009 QN 12)
State the cause and explain the transmission
(where applicable) and preventive measures of the following problems
Malaria (NECTA
2007 QN 11)
Cholera is caused by a
bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae.
The disease can be transmitted
through: Taking contaminated food and water contaminated with feaces from infected
person, and through Vectors e.g. flies moving from infected human feaces to
Preventive measures of cholera
are; Hygienic waste disposal, Preparing
and store food in clean places, Keeping water supply clean and safe, Washing
hands thoroughly with soap and water after toilets, Boil a drinking water, Vaccination is also availableand alsoAvoid
overcrowded areas or burial places during epidermis
The disease is
caused by protozoon’s parasites known as plasmodium. These parasites are of
four types of plasmodium, namely; Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale,
Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falsiparum.
Malaria is
transmitted by carrying plasmodium from blood of infected person to the new
health person through female anopheles mosquito bites, occasionally can occur
through blood transfusion.
The Prevention of the are
by the following ways; Use insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes, Drain
mosquitoes breeding grounds, Cut down bushes around homes, Sleeping behind
mosquitoes treated nets, Wearing a long sleeved shirts and trousers during
nights, Smearing mosquito repellant cream, Introduce fish or tadpoles, frogs
and toads, crustacea in water sources. These organism feed on eggs, lava and
pupa of mosquitoes.
Explain six factor that affect the immunity of
the body in human being.